• Hi, I am working on an art gallery (shop) and I would like to blur some images of products for adults only (e.g. on related products or authors’ products list etc.). I can do that e.g. by adding a css to img inspecting a category or tag (that are adults only). And it works. But I would like to unblur the images when the user declare that he is an adult one.
    So does the plugin adds any class to any elemnt (like body or html) that indicates that the user declared that he is an adult?

    Regards, Dominik

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  • Yo homeslice, I’m not the plugin author, but the plugin author does provide documentation. Here’s the CSS reference styling doc:

    During restriction, before the Age Gate validates the visitor, the <body> element will have the .age-restriction class. After the visitor submits the form and her age is validated, the .age-restriction class will be removed and .age-passed will be added. Then you can unblur all your hoo-hoos and ha-has.

    -Paul Mighty

    Thread Starter dominmax


    Hi @paulmighty
    Thank you for the reply.
    The problem is that the .age-restriction class appears only on pages of restricted products or categories.
    And for example if an author have only one work ‘adult only’ – and when I go to the author’s page (attribute author) – there is no any .age-restriction class at that page.
    There are only a few percent of such works and they are mixed with all the tags, categories etc.

    So as I mentioned it would be helpful if there is .age-restriction class on every page before I declare that I am 18+.

    Regards, Dominik

    Plugin Author Phil


    Hi @dominmax,

    Are you using standard to javascript Age Gate?

    Both are possible, but neither come as part of the plugin by default.

    @paulmighty thanks for chipping in 🙂


    Thread Starter dominmax


    Yes, that are my options: https://prnt.sc/re42ek

    Plugin Author Phil


    Hi @dominmax,

    Cool, this is how I’d do it:

    Firstly in functions.php (or a custom plugin) we add the class so it’s on every page:

    add_filter('body_class', function ($classes) {
        return array_merge($classes, ['ag-not-passed']);
    }, 10, 2);

    Then there’s two things to do to remove it in javascript, firstly chicken page load if the age gate is passed, second, remove it when someone has passed:

    jQuery(function () {
      // Here we look on load to see if the Age Gate is passed
      if (document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )age_gate=([^;]+)'))) {
      // This one fires when a user passes the age gate
      jQuery(document).on('agegatepassed', function () {

    That should be it.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Phil.
    Thread Starter dominmax


    This is very great idea! 🙂
    Thank you very much for your time. I’ll let you know as soon as I get it.
    Cheers, Dominik

    Thread Starter dominmax


    Hi @philsbury,
    Your code works like a charm 😉
    e.g. https://artkomiks.pl/autor/nikodem-cabala/
    (I added blur and 18+)

    Only thing it could be improved is when I am at the 18+ product and I pass the adult gate, and then I use the Back button (browser) – then the .ag-not-passed class was still in the body element.

    So I put the function in setInterval to make it run every 3 seconds:

    setInterval(function () {
      // Here we look on load to see if the Age Gate is passed
      if (document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )age_gate=([^;]+)'))) {
      // This one fires when a user passes the age gate
      jQuery(document).on('agegatepassed', function () {
    }, 3000)

    It seems to work however I am not sure about optimization 😉

    Thank you very much for your help again!
    Best for you,

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