• Some of my thumnails are cropped, some are resized. On my homepage I use the widget and it crops the thumbnails as expected. But on some pages I show post excerpts with thumbnails. These are resized, which looks ugly with some pictures.

    [miniloop number_posts=5 post_type="any" category="-123" tax="teams=321" order_by="date" order="DESC"]<a title="More..." href="[url]">[image from=thumb cfname=image width=120 height=90 class=alignleft fallback='http://domain.com/images/dummies/dummy.png']</a>
    <div class="updates_home_title"><a title="More..." href="[url]">[title]</a></div>
    <div class="updates_post_meta">By [author] <span class="dot">·</span> [date format="l, j. F Y"] <span class="dot">·</span> [comment_count] Comments</div>
    [excerpt up_to_more=1 wlength=150 space_between=1 after="+++" after_link=1]

    Can I activate cropping by any parameter?

    Please help me!


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  • There’s no scale capability for instance. Only crop.
    That should be activated with the parameter crop=1.

    But behind this, there’s a need to scale images by the width or the height (max width or max height). I know how to achieve that outside of mini-loops… but it’s a real needed request inside mini-loops.

    Let me explain my issue (too)…
    With this code :
    [ml_image from=attached height=45 cache=clear]
    It appears that the image has a width of 50px, as the thumb… but I expect an image with a width scaled down by the height. This is a real problem, because I don’t want my images to be cropped. And the scale option has not been implemented yet.

    I hope soon 😉

    (and a big thanks for this wonderful plugin…)

    Ok I resolved it by defining a width and an height=auto.
    That works (but the image size is scaled and not really reduced).

    I don’t know since when (maybe the last update of WP) but this trick doesn’t work anymore…

    After a little bit of investigation, I can say that the behavior is really weird.
    I have regenerated all my thumbnails but… even with a cleared cache, the plugin generate the thumbnails half the height. Yes ! The images are clearly cutted to half the height.
    This happen when using a defined width and a auto height.

    Ok. I downgraded mini-loops to 1.1.1 and to 1.1 to check if it was a change in the code of this plugin but apparently not.
    It might be in the last update of WordPress…

    I’m sorry to revive this topic but anybody has an idea on this issue ?

    After looking for a solution, I decided to try something by modifying the code of the plugin.
    I just changed the crop option of image_resize to false instead of true (in helpers.php, line 695) :

    $new = image_resize( $file, $width, $height, false, "ml-{$width}x{$height}" );

    Plugin Author Kailey (trepmal)


    Working on crop/scale for v1.3, you can get the dev version here

    Thanks Kailey !! I’ll check it later (we are on launch way…)

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