• vizkult


    Selecting the sharethis display style options are not accessible. I.e. while the display options are listed, there is no button or check box to select which option you prefer..

    looks like this:
    Choose the display style for your social buttons.
    Selected Choice:

    Large Icons (1/7)
    Horizontal Count (2/7)
    Vertical Count (3/7)
    Classic (4/7)
    Regular Buttons (5/7)
    Regular Button No-Text (6/7)
    Buttons (7/7)


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  • Same happens to me.

    It should look like a carousel (with the seven options you listed) and it SHOULD set the option you scroll. But it doesn’t.

    I get an error in the Firebug console:

    $ is not a function: $(‘.services’).show()
    wp_st_opt.js (on line 163)

    Any clues?

    We have a similar issue…

    Actually once we get to slide 2 in the carousel it freezes. The +’s next to most options don’t expand their sections. When I go back in there is a list as described above, no carousel. Issues!

    We have fixed the carousel issue and the updated plugin will be released soon.

    @nwesource: The issue ( +’s next to most options don’t expand their sections)occurs when any other plugin(exec php plugin) added to wordpress blog conflicts with sharethis plugin.


    Same issues as all of the above here. Why not take steps to prevent conflicts?

    Don’t use $, but jQuery. This has always been best practice.

    Replacing “$” with “jQuery” on sharethis.php will make the “+” work. (Only do this on the javascript, not the PHP.) Do the same on the wp_st_opt.js file.

    Got the carousel to work by downloading the latest version to the server and linking it up in the sharethis.php. Then the images would not show up.

    Then I gave up and will go look for a new plugin to use.

    We have fixed the issue.
    You can install the latest plugin (5.0.1) from here:

    In case of any issues,please feel free to contact us.


    Seems I am having the same problem. I just downloaded and installed the 5.2 version? Any reason why its occurring still?

    I tried using sharethis plugin 5.0.2 on a wordpress blog and it seems to be working fine.
    The plugin might have been installed improperly.
    Can you please try re-installing the plug-in on your blog?
    Please let us know if it still doesn’t work for you.

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    Seems that I also am having the same problem.

    wordpress: 3.4.1.
    share this: 5.2

    I tried using the latest sharethis plugin on WordPress 3.4.1 and it seems to be working fine.
    If you want we can check the issue with your blog but, we will need the credentials of an admin account.
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    Similar issue on a WP 3.4.1 installation using Share This 5.2. On settings page, I see:

    Choose the display style for your social buttons.
    Selected Choice: Large Icons
    Large Icons (1/7)

    This is the only text I see, no carousel, no way to select. And the share this buttons are not visible on my pages/posts either. Plugin is nonfunctional.

    Using Atahualpa theme on kathleenpequeno.com. There’s only three pages, but none of them display the sharing buttons (of any size).

    Sometimes the cause of such issues is sharethis plugin incompatibility with the theme of the wordpress blog.
    In that case , you will have to add the buttons manually to your blog.

    Here are the detailed steps:
    Sharethis script and span tags go on the page where you want the buttons to appear and they also determine what kind of button appears as well as what URL and title it shares. You will have to put ‘script tags’ in your Main index template(index.php) and ‘span tags’ in Single Post template(single.php).

    Here is the basic span for just the ShareThis button: <span class=”st_sharethis” st_title='<?php the_title(); ?>’ st_url='<?php the_permalink(); ?>’ displayText=”ShareThis”></span>

    You can change the class of the span to determine the button that appears. For example class=”st_twitter” will make a twitter icon and class=”st_email_vcount” will make a email vertical counter button.

    However, adding code in index.php and single.php will not display sharethis buttons on the blog page but will show buttons whenever an individual post is opened.
    If you wish to display sharethis buttons on the blog page ,you will have to put ‘span tags’ in (loop.php).

    In loop.php,
    1. put span tags just above the line “<div class=”entry-utility”>” to display buttons at the end of each post on the blog page.

    <span class=’st_sharethis’ ></span>
    <div class=”entry-utility”>

    2. to display buttons at the beginning of each post on the blog page,put span tags just below the lines

    <h2 class=”entry-title”>” title=”<?php printf( esc_attr__( ‘Permalink to %s’, ‘twentyten’ ), the_title_attribute( ‘echo=0’ ) ); ?>” rel=”bookmark”><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    <div class=”entry-meta”>
    <?php twentyten_posted_on(); ?>
    </div><!– .entry-meta –>
    <?php if ( is_archive() || is_search() ) : // Only display excerpts for archives and search. ?>

    Hope this helps.
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