• theotheragentm


    I’ve noticed a bunch of WordPress sites linked from Digg.com and I’ve noticed they’re all down for the count too. Is this just something that can’t be helped with Digg.com or is this the way WordPress handles it’s loading and gets clobbered with lots of requests? Is there anything that can be done to prevent this?

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  • Cypher


    WordPress does do some amount of caching. But a site being down could be related to hosts being overwhelmed by the traffic. Lots of things will take down a site pretty quickly.

    Least of which is getting front-paged on Digg.com and having the tens of thousands of visitor just click onto your page. To be able to maintain sustained traffic at that pace you’d need a beefy server and pretty nifty code.




    To continue from Cypher’s post, there is at least one plugin that will help mitigate the digg or slashdot effect: wp-cache at http://mnm.uib.es/gallir/wp-cache-2/

    The MaxPower blog had an article about it recently as well:



    To be fair, I have also seen some pretty big, non WordPress sites, also brought down by Digg. In many cases it’s just a lot of traffic taxing the server in a short timeframe.

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