• I just updated a menu on a site of mine to utilize wp_nav_menu. Setting this up with WP was fairly straight forward however I’ve run into one small snag with the the way wordpress is outputting its parent/ancestor classes for use in highlighting the current page that the content belongs to, particularly with single post pages…

    Highlighting the current page with .current_page_item a and .current_page_parent a works perfect as long as its just on a normal page with children, however as soon as you visit a post from events or media, the blog link in the menu is highlighted instead which is incorrect obviously.

    ** One thing noticeably wrong when looking at WordPress’ output is that the current page classes are not even being generated on the correct li tag that the post belongs to which seems to be the root of the problem. **

    For future reference, the Events, Media, & Blog pages all use a special query I’ve written to only grab the respective category for that page, ie.

    $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <div class="post">

    Hope thats enough info, if not let me know.

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  • can u tell me where i have to put that code? i think i have the same problem. i have a website and on the menu at the top i have a page called “blog” insiede i have category and post. When i visit category no problem, but when i visit a single post in a category inside i dont c the menu highlight.

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