
    I created a site with the latest version of wordpress.

    For security I changed the default table prefix plus some other things

    I created one post and am using Twenty Ten 1.2 theme
    I tried to activate to the flexibilty3 theme but it did not give a preview of the them and when I activated the theme It totally disabled my site

    I then deleted the flexibility3 theme via ftp and the I was able to acces the site.

    To test what the issue is I activated the default theme and had no problem. I then downloaded an unrelated them and it activated just fine

    This got me thinking it may just be the flexibility3 theme. i tested it on a different website and it worked just fine. I also created a sub domain on my orignal domain and it worked fine

    So what I’m left to believe that the flexibility3 theme is breaking due to the custom table prefix for some reason

    Any help would be appreciated

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