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  • I had success putting this block before the standard WP 2.0 block in .htaccess:

    # BEGIN FAlbum
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^photos/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?$ /wp-content/plugins/falbum/falbum-wp.php?$1=$2&$3=$4&$5=$6&$7=$8 [QSA,L]
    # END FAlbum

    Yours might vary according to what directory you want the photos in.

    Thread Starter loudestnoise


    Wowzers, that worked beautifuly. I tried putting the FAlbum before the WP block before, but this seems to have worked.


    What setting is you permalinks setting in WP?
    I’m using “Date and name based” and it’s giving me a 500 Internal Server Error when trying to access /photos.

    A traceable “how to” would be great!

    seppomaniac, I too am using “Date and name based” permalinks with WP 2.0, but that shouldn’t make a difference. Here’s the complete .htaccess file (note that the FAlbum stuff comes before the standard WP 2.0 stuff):

    # BEGIN FAlbum
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^photos/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?$ /wp-content/plugins/falbum/falbum-wp.php?$1=$2&$3=$4&$5=$6&$7=$8 [QSA,L]
    # END FAlbum

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php

    # END WordPress

    seppomaniac, it occurred to me that you might be getting a 500 error because in the example above, this forum software wrapped

    ^photos/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?([^/]*)?/?$ /wp-content/plugins/falbum/falbum-wp.php?$1=$2&$3=$4&$5=$6&$7=$8 [QSA,L]

    on different lines, but it all needs to be on the same line to work.

    I’ve been having this same problem with no solution, even though I have tried everything everyone else has. Until now! I just copied/pasted that block of yours up there, and it is now working. I have no idea why. The only difference is that there is no blank line between the end of the FAlbum rule. and the start of the WordPress one in my .htaccess this time. Weird.

    I tried this so far without luck. It keeps giving me a 500. this is driving me nuts.

    i take another attempt and remove everything related to falbum and I’ll download the original version again.

    hauntedtapedeck: and you’re having friendly urls with WP _and_ falbum now?

    removing all files and starting over again did not work either. damn.

    i’m using apache2 with php4.4.0 running under mod_fcgi.
    my apache log files give me the following error:

    [Thu Jan 05 15:23:18 2006] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with server “/www/php-fcgi-scripts/kunde29/php” aborted: error parsing headers: duplicate header ‘Status’

    any ideas?

    it’s working as long as WP permalinks are set to default:

    but that’s no real solution… 🙁

    What about for those of us with no .htaccess file? I’ve tried to make a blank one (no change), copy others (usually I get 403 – forbidden).
    The error I get is:
    FAlbum Options
    Initial Setup


    Nothing specified for the error, just blank

    View the error here:

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