• We’re running a network of about 50 sites and recently began experiencing 504 Gateway Timeout errors.

    We’ve looked at plugins, but have still experienced issues with many of them disabled.

    The primary consideration now is a WooThemes Canvas theme update that serves as a Parent Theme to about 25 of the Child Themes. I’m wondering if there may be a limit to the way WP handles child themes.


    Any ideas as to what may be causing this?

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  • Check your server error logs for insight. You may get some, then again, you may not. 500 errors can be a pain.

    Thread Starter Jason McArtor


    @kjodle Thanks. We’ve been looking at logs, but we’re getting 200,000 lines of errors at times. This has just recently started and the hosting company just told us today that they were having “a few timeouts system wide last week” this morning.

    …wondering if it may be a hosting issue more than something we’re causing?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    🏳️‍🌈 Advisor and Activist

    ‘m wondering if there may be a limit to the way WP handles child themes.

    A … limit? Why do you think that?

    We’ve been looking at logs, but we’re getting 200,000 lines of errors at times.

    Sadly you’re going to have to start working your way through them 🙁

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