• Resolved Echron


    I have change the functiosn ValidatePoster and CheckEmailAddress in postie-functions.php so i can add more than 1 email per user using the Authorized Addresses box.

    Example: add “email@hosting.com;Username” to Authorized Addresses box

    The changed functions are below:

    // completely changed
    function CheckEmailAddress($address, $authorized,&$user = '') {
    	$isAuthorized = FALSE;
    	$delimiter = ';';
    	foreach($authorized as $authorizedaddress)
    		if(strpos($authorizedaddress,$delimiter) === false)
    			if($authorizedaddress == $address)
    				$isAuthorized = TRUE;
    			$arr = explode(';',$authorizedaddress);
    			if($arr[0] === $address)
    				$user = $arr[1];
    				$isAuthorized = TRUE;
    	//$isAuthorized = in_array( strtolower($address), $authorized );
    	return $isAuthorized;


    function ValidatePoster( &$mimeDecodedEmail, $config ) {
      global $wpdb;
      $poster = NULL;
      $from = RemoveExtraCharactersInEmailAddress(trim($mimeDecodedEmail->headers["from"]));
      $resentFrom = RemoveExtraCharactersInEmailAddress(trim($mimeDecodedEmail->headers["resent-from"]));
    if ( empty($from) ) {
          echo 'Invalid Sender - Emtpy! ';
      //See if the email address is one of the special authorized ones
      print("Confirming Access For $from \n");
      $sql = 'SELECT id FROM '. $wpdb->users.' WHERE user_email=\'' . addslashes($from) . "' LIMIT 1;";
      $user_ID= $wpdb->get_var($sql);
    //CHANGE: add var $user_name and set it to the admin_username as default
      $user_name = $admin_username;
      if (!empty($user_ID)) {
        $user = new WP_User($user_ID);
        if ($user->has_cap("post_via_postie")) {
          $poster = $user_ID;
          echo "posting as user $poster";
        } else {
          $poster = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE
                user_login  = '$admin_username'");
      } elseif ($turn_authorization_off ||
          CheckEmailAddress($from, $authorized_addresses,$user_name) ||
          CheckEmailAddress($resentFrom, $authorized_addresses,$user_name)) {
    		 // die($user_name);
    //CHANGE: Set query to find the user_name + add user_name to the function CheckEmailAddress
        $poster = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE
              user_login  = '$user_name'");
      $validSMTP=checkSMTP($mimeDecodedEmail, $smtp);
      if (!$poster || !$validSMTP) {
        echo 'Invalid sender: ' . htmlentities($from) . "! Not adding email!\n";
        if ($forward_rejected_mail) {
          $admin_email = get_option("admin_email");
          if (MailToRecipients($mimeDecodedEmail, $test_email,
              array($admin_email), $return_to_sender)) {
            echo "A copy of the message has been forwarded to the administrator.\n";
          } else {
            echo "The message was unable to be forwarded to the adminstrator.\n";
      return $poster;


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