• I think I found a bug and was hoping to get some feedback and/or help.

    Specifically, when exporting posts by category in WP 3.0 and above, I am getting an export file that does not match the known contents of a particular category.

    I snooped around and found this code block:

    if ( $taxonomy && is_array( $taxonomy ) ) {
    		foreach ( $taxonomy as $term_id ) {
    			if ( $term_id != 'all' )
    				$where .= $wpdb->prepare( "AND ID IN (SELECT object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d) ", $term_id );

    This code chunk is from wp-admin/includes/export.php and is used when exporting content in WordPress 3.0 and above. It seems to be matching posts based on an incorrect WHERE clause. The clause needs to select term_id, not term_taxonomy_id. As term_id is not available in the term_relationships table, a JOIN is needed as well.

    A revised SQL query:

    SELECT object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships
    JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON $wpdb->term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
    WHERE $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id = %d
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