• I have an article submission service submitting articles to my blog. I have created a user with author rights and enabled xml-rpc. Several articles will be accepted and posted and after a day I get this error:

    There was an error while trying to publish an article to
    your blog at http://www.waystoloweryourcholesterol.com/wordpress/.
    Generated error: [XML-RPC #2]: Invalid return payload: enable debugging to examine incoming payload (XML error at line 1, check URL)
    This error usually indicates an internal error on your blog. Please verify your blog configuration and your server logs for more details. (Step 2/3 – Publish post)
    Blog XML-RPC server URL: http://www.waystoloweryourcholesterol.com/wordpress/xmlrpc.php (#27949)

    Then article submission stops until I go to the article submission website and reset the user.

    Can you help me?



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