• I really need help with implementing a feature in my menu.

    The menu is build with an unordered list. I want two things to happen with my menu when you click on an item:

    1. The selected item should get the class “current”
    2. The item before it in the list should get the class “before-current”

    I know how to set the “current” id for the selected item using php. I do it like this:

    <ul id=”menu”>
    <li<?php if ($thisPage==”Page1″)
    echo ” class=\”current\””; ?>><span>Page1</span>

    <li<?php if ($thisPage==”Page2″)
    echo ” class=\”current\””; ?>><span>Page2</span>

    <li<?php if ($thisPage==”Page3″)
    echo ” class=\”current\””; ?>><span>Page3</span>

    What I don’t know is how to set the “before-current” class to the item before it.

    Can someone help me with the php code for this? The code for: “If thisPage==”Page2” then set “Page2” to “current” and set “Page1” to “before-current”.

    Anyone? Thank you very much.

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