• WHile reediting a file I noticed backslashes starting to appear. Not only in words like it\’s but also in my links rendering them useless.

    Even when I deleted the backslashes, and saved them, what happened was the slashes not only reappeared, but were doubled, such as it\\’s.

    I am staying away from re-editing my posts now, because I want to see why this is happening — so as not to ruin the posts which are working okay.

    This didn’t happen before, I could reedit a post — via the manage posts panel with no problem.

    Any links regarding this issue?



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  • Mmh. This is a problem with characters not being properly unescaped. I faced it recently while setting up OSCommerce with TinyMCE, but never with WordPress. What WP version are you using?

    Typically, you’d look at a missing stripslashes() call in the script method building up the faulty textarea data.

    Thread Starter rowby


    Hi I’m using the most recent version
    >> Typically, you’d look at a missing stripslashes() call in the script method building up the faulty textarea data.
    Is there a specific file I should search through for the ” missing stripslashes() call “? More specifically what do I look for and what would I replace it with — if you know.



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