• Resolved ppoa


    I’m having issues with connecting unbounce to my gravity forms. Webhook states 404 error page not found

    went over the setup a few times, whitelisted ip addresses, deactivated/reactivated plugin, check page name and fields to make sure they match gravity form, etc.

    here is the 404 response from unbounce:

    [ SNIP! ]

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  • Thread Starter ppoa


    here is what I am submitting:


    pain lander

    “time_submitted”: [
    “07:22 PM UTC”
    “page_uuid”: [
    “phone_number”: [
    “email”: [
    “page_name”: [
    “pain lander”
    “date_submitted”: [
    “utm_source”: [
    “last_name”: [
    “utm_medium”: [
    “first_name”: [
    “utm_campaign”: [
    “ip_address”: [
    “page_url”: [
    “variant”: [


    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <time_submitted>07:22 PM UTC</time_submitted>
    <page_name>pain lander</page_name>

    Plugin Author HK Infosoft


    Sorry it was festival holidays last week due to which we couldn’t get in touch with you earlier. Could you please provide info of the response from Unbounce (refer below screenshot) so that we can investigate into it more detailed? Thank you.


    Thread Starter ppoa


    Plugin Author HK Infosoft


    It looks like you’ve provided screenshot of “Request”. What we need is “Response”. Alternatively we can assist you immediately if you could provide your Unbounce login access. Thank you.

    Plugin Author HK Infosoft


    Probably this screenshot would help you more: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bg0lKU6dpvNLY-Y0olHxfRCWPFPIdNn3

    Plugin Author HK Infosoft


    Please check-in here if you are looking for enhanced features with priority support: https://www.hkinfosoft.com/unbounce-to-gravity-form-integration/

    Plugin Author HK Infosoft


    Closing it as didn’t hear back from @ppoa since last 3 weeks!

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