• Resolved precies



    We have been using this plug-in for years and always enjoyed it. It always works very well, but we have just encountered a problem that concerns us.

    We have been running Google Ads for several months and the results were very disappointing. We have looked into almost everything it could be and found out the following last week.

    I will try to explain the situation as best I can.

    1) If we go to our website via a Google Advertisement, a UTM and CLICKID (GCLID) are placed behind the URL. For example like this: ?matchtype=e&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=21269239426&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1M31t8iohwMVPpJQBh3MmAXQEAAYAiAAEgIC8fD_BwE&gad_source=1

    2) If we stay on this page (landingspage after de Google Ad click and do not navigate further on the website) and click on an outgoing link with a redirect (from Redirection), we will not be redirected but will receive a 404 error. So the outgoing click does not work.

    3) We think this has to do with the Google Ads parameters that are placed behind the URL. If we navigate on the website to another page and then click on an outgoing link, the redirect will work because then these Google Ads parameters will be stripped from the URL.

    We are probably missing out on thousands of euros in income as a result and we are curious why this is happening and, most importantly, how can we solve this as quickly as possible?

    Are there more people with this problem?

    If anyone could help us, we would really appreciate it.

    Yours sincerely,

    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by precies.
    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by precies.
    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by precies.
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