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  • Plugin Author AITpro


    “drop” would only be blocked if one of the other conditions are being used in the Query String: (;|<|>|'|"|\)|%0A|%0D|%22|%27|%3C|%3E|%00) and I do not see that any of these conditions are in the URL that you posted.

    This is the SQL Injection security filter in your root .htaccess file. As an experiment/test remove drop| from the security filter and see if this is actually the problem. Typically what actually occurs in these cases is that your feed has a dangerous coding character in the URL and that is what is actually being blocked. Check your BPS Security Log for the error log entry regarding this URL error. Only post 1 error log entry for this specific error and NOT your entire Security Log. Thanks.

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (;|<|>|'|"|\)|%0A|%0D|%22|%27|%3C|%3E|%00).*(/\*|union|select|insert|drop|delete|update|cast|create|char|convert|alter|declare|order|script|set|md5|benchmark|encode) [NC,OR]

    Thread Starter Alexandre



    I just removed the word “drop” and it works, no more 403 🙂
    Here’s the exact URL: /2013/01/22/mega-dropbox-killer-ou-le-successeur-de-megaupload-les-details/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mega-dropbox-killer-ou-le-successeur-de-megaupload-les-details


    Plugin Author AITpro


    Ah ok i see it now.

    there are semi-colons in the Query string so that makes both conditions true. ;utm_medium. When posting this in the WordPress forum the semi-colons are being converted and are not being shown: & amp ;

    That brings up an interesting issue because semi-colons are used in SQL Injection attacks. will have to look into this some more.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    experimenting with the pre tag to see if they are displayed or outputted… /2013/01/22/mega-dropbox-killer-ou-le-successeur-de-megaupload-les-details/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mega-dropbox-killer-ou-le-successeur-de-megaupload-les-details
    Nope the code is outputted/rendered and not displaying the semi-colon coding characters. oh well.

    Thread Starter Alexandre



    Actually I just realized that BP was uninstalled and I still had an old 46.something version of the htaccess.

    I have rinstalled, updated all my htaccess and I don’t get the error anymore. The page works.

    Sorry for all the trouble!

    Plugin Author AITpro


    LOL that is actually great then I do not have to look at the SQL Injection filter. ha ha ha. Thanks for letting me know this.

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