• When I click the home button it takes me to the home page but the home button is not shown as selected. When I click the podcast button, it takes me to the posts page like it should, but it also shows the home button as being selected.

    Home is set as the front page and Podcast is set as the posts page in the Reading Settings.


    I’m guessing this is in the header so I will include the header code but if it is somewhere else and you need to see code please let me know and I’ll post whatever part is needed to fix this.

    <!-- header START -->
    <div id="header">
    	<!-- banner START -->
    	<?php if( $options['banner_content'] && (
    		($options['banner_registered'] && $user_ID) ||
    		($options['banner_commentator'] && !$user_ID && isset($_COOKIE['comment_author_'.COOKIEHASH])) ||
    		($options['banner_visitor'] && !$user_ID && !isset($_COOKIE['comment_author_'.COOKIEHASH]))
    	) ) : ?>
    		<div class="banner">
    			<?php echo($options['banner_content']); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    	<!-- banner END -->
    	<div id="caption">
    	<!--	<h1 id="title"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
    		<div id="tagline"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div> -->
    	<div class="fixed"></div>
    <!-- header END -->
    <!-- navigation START -->
    <div id="navigation">
    	<!-- menus START -->
    	<ul id="menus">
    		<li class="<?php echo($home_menu); ?>"><a class="home" title="<?php _e('Home', 'inove'); ?>" href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>/"><?php _e('Home', 'inove'); ?></a></li>
    			if($options['menu_type'] == 'categories') {
    			} else {
    		<li><a class="lastmenu" href="javascript:void(0);"></a></li>
    	<!-- menus END -->
    	<!-- searchbox START -->
    	<div id="searchbox">
    		<?php if($options['google_cse'] && $options['google_cse_cx']) : ?>
    			<form action="http://www.google.com/cse" method="get">
    				<div class="content">
    					<input type="text" class="textfield" name="q" size="24" />
    					<input type="submit" class="button" name="sa" value="" />
    					<input type="hidden" name="cx" value="<?php echo $options['google_cse_cx']; ?>" />
    					<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" />
    		<?php else : ?>
    			<form action="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>" method="get">
    				<div class="content">
    					<input type="text" class="textfield" name="s" size="24" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($s, 1); ?>" />
    					<input type="submit" class="button" value="" />
    		<?php endif; ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	var searchbox = MGJS.$("searchbox");
    	var searchtxt = MGJS.getElementsByClassName("textfield", "input", searchbox)[0];
    	var searchbtn = MGJS.getElementsByClassName("button", "input", searchbox)[0];
    	var tiptext = "<?php _e('Type text to search here...', 'inove'); ?>";
    	if(searchtxt.value == "" || searchtxt.value == tiptext) {
    		searchtxt.className += " searchtip";
    		searchtxt.value = tiptext;
    	searchtxt.onfocus = function(e) {
    		if(searchtxt.value == tiptext) {
    			searchtxt.value = "";
    			searchtxt.className = searchtxt.className.replace(" searchtip", "");
    	searchtxt.onblur = function(e) {
    		if(searchtxt.value == "") {
    			searchtxt.className += " searchtip";
    			searchtxt.value = tiptext;
    	searchbtn.onclick = function(e) {
    		if(searchtxt.value == "" || searchtxt.value == tiptext) {
    			return false;
    	<!-- searchbox END -->
    	<div class="fixed"></div>
    <!-- navigation END -->
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • I don’t think anyone understands what are you talking about, I checked your website,it’s working fine

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  • The topic ‘inove home button shows as selected with the wrong page’ is closed to new replies.