• Hi,

    You have a block of code in this file that needs a tiny change around line 42.

    At line 42, you check to see if( !empty( $query[post_type] ) ) but only for the next 2 lines of code. The 3rd line of code also uses $query[post_type] so it just needs to be moved into the ‘if’ block. See below.


    if( !empty( $query['post_type'] ) )
    		if($query['post_type'] == '_all')
    			$query['post_type'] = siteorigin_widget_post_selector_all_post_types();
    		$query['post_type'] = strpos( $query['post_type'], ',' ) !== false ? explode( ',', $query['post_type'] ) : $query['post_type'];
    		if( $query['post_type'] == 'attachment' && $query['post_status'] == 'publish' )
    			$query['post_status'] = 'inherit';


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