• Ok.
    I really need the experiece of the community to accomplish a task

    i am a little comfused about membership plugins and user role creation plugins

    So i am writing what i need and i am expecting a tip about how to accomplish that

    I want to create a new role.
    This role must own the above feutures:
    -his own registration page from the front-end
    -ability to create a specific amount of users of a specific role

    ( a teacher can create accounts himself for 10 students)

    what do i need?

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  • I think you are looking for something like this https://managewp.com/create-custom-user-roles-wordpress

    Thread Starter dourvas


    thanks for your answer.

    I will write the actions i have allready done about that task and the thoughts i am having about its completion

    I have created a custom role. I used MEMBERS plugin. I named the role manager and i gave him the capability to create users and to edit users.

    I remind you that i want him to be able to create a SPECIFIC number of a SPECIFIC role.

    I have a thought and i want some advice here. I should mention that i can code but i am new in WP. That is a solution a would probably follow if i had chosen to built this custom and not through WP

    I am thinking to first go to database and add the field MANAGERID to users table
    Then i am considering of building a form. I mean Pages –> New –> html tab –> and build a page with a form.

    In this new page i will restrict the access only to members with the role of manager. (i have already tried that succesfully using a memberhip plugin)

    This form should contain the necceserry fields of a new user. Submiting the form the data goes to table alongdide with the managerid of the manager.

    In that way i can count the users each manager created and i can both
    -manage the edit to the right users and
    -manage to limit the number of users created.

    I do not have a clue how to set the roles for the created users

    Is that a valid doable solution?
    I am really open to any other suggestions, tips or anything relevant

    Hi again, could you post which plugin is this? a link to it?

    i am not sure if there is a plugin free or premium that does what you need but if you are not a proficient in programming i would advise to avoid making changing in core files or in the database, at least manually.Better create a plugin that will do that.

    Thread Starter dourvas


    Thanks for the answer.
    I surely do not have a plugin like this. I just mentioned my thoughs about dealing with the issue I descriped in my previous post.

    I understand your feedpack about changing the datadase. I will try to think of another solution.
    If you have an algorithm about solving that please share

    In this page https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities#Plugins you will find information about how WP handles user roles and plugins recommended to help you started.

    Thread Starter dourvas


    I have implemented the task. I am writing the solution i came up for two reasons
    -i reaaly need some feedback about the solution ( i am new in WP and i do not want to find any suprises i didn’t see when the system is up and running)
    -To share with other members that perhaps are looking for something like this


    • i installed MEMBERS plugin. I created two custom roles with names coyotemanager and coyotestudent. I gave to the coyotemanger the capability to create and edit users.
    • I installed the plugin MEMBERSHIP 2. i created 2 memberships. Manager and student. I connected those memberships with the same roles using this code (put in functions.php of your theme)
      add_action( 'ms_model_relationship_create_ms_relationship_before', 'ms_controller_member_assign_memberships_done_cb', 99, 4 );
      function ms_controller_member_assign_memberships_done_cb( $membership_id, $user_id, $gateway_id, $move_from_id ) {
      	$user = new WP_User( $user_id );
      	switch( $membership_id ){
      		case 5814: //found it in MEMBERSHIP 2
      			$user->set_role( 'coyotemanager' );
      		case 5844:
      			$user->set_role( 'coyotestudent' );
    • I created a WP page. I gave access to this page only to coyotemanager.
    • I wrote a php snippeset. the current user (coyotemanger only) can create a specific amount (you specify it into the code) of students.
      $servername = "localhost";
      $username = "root";
      $password = "";
      $dbname = "ld";
      $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
      // Check connection
      if ($conn->connect_error) {
          die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
      //get the number of students//////////////////////////////////////////////
      $sql="SELECT * FROM wp_usermeta
      WHERE meta_key ='description' and meta_value='".get_current_user_id()."'";
      $result = $conn->query($sql);
      	$num_students = mysqli_num_rows($result);
      	echo "Σύνολο μαθητών σου:".$num_students."";
      //create sql to get the name and lastname od teacher's student////////////////////
          while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
      	   $query[$i] = "SELECT * FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id ='".$row["user_id"]."'";
      		//echo  "query=".$query[$i];
      //run the queries get name and last name and print///////////////////////////////////////
          while ($j !== $num_students+1)
          $result1 = $conn->query($query[$j]);
      		while($row = $result1->fetch_assoc()) {
      		    if ($row["meta_key"] === "first_name"){
      		      $userdataname= $row["meta_value"];
      		    if ($row["meta_key"] === "last_name"){
      		     $userdatalname = $row["meta_value"];
      		 echo "id: " . $row["user_id"]. " - Name: " . $userdataname. " " . $userdatalname. "";
      	if ($num_students <3)// 3 users
      	echo "may add still ". 3-$num_students."μαθητές
      	echo'	<form name="usercreation" method="POST" onsubmit="return form_validation()" action="../usercreation.php">
              Name: <input type="text" id="student_name" name="student_name" />
              Last Name: <input type="text" id="student_lname" name="student_lname" />
              Email: <input type="text" id="student_email" name="student_email" />
              username: <input type="text" id="username" name="username" />
              <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
      } else {
          echo "No more users";

      The php file usercreation.php (form action)

      // Get data
      $student_name = $_POST["student_name"];
      $student_lname = $_POST["student_lname"];
      $student_email = $_POST["student_email"];
      $username = $_POST["username"];
      if( null == username_exists( $username ) ) {
        // Generate the password and create the user
        $password = wp_generate_password( 12, false );
        $managerid= get_current_user_id();
        $userdata = array(
          'user_login'  => $username,
      	'description'  => $managerid, //store the manager's id into students data
          'first_name'  => $student_name,
      	'last_name'   => $student_lname,
          'user_pass'   => $password,
      	'user_email'  => $student_email,
      	'role'   => "coyotestudent"
      $user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata ) ;
      //On success
      if ( ! is_wp_error( $user_id ) ) {
          echo "User created : ". $user_id;
      	 $error_string = $user_id->get_error_message();
         echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . $error_string . '</p></div>';
         // Email the user
       wp_mail( $email_address, 'Welcome!', 'Your Password: ' . $password ); 
      } // end if

      Still needs form validation and css

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