• Resolved Steve


    I have a multisite that has Relevanssi (free) activated on a single site within the network. I’m evaluating it for the pro version.

    I made a test site with some posts. Two posts, one with “batman” in the body and one with “gmail” in the body.

    When I search for “batman”, only the batman post shows up. Expected.
    When I search for “gmail”, only the gmail post shows up. Expected.
    When I search for “batman gmail”, both posts shows up. Expected.
    When I search for “batman OR gmail”, both posts shows up. Expected.

    However, when I search for “batman AND gmail”, both posts show up. I expected no posts to show up because there is no post that contains both words.

    I realize there is a “Disable OR fallback” option, which is unchecked. Does Revelanssi still fallback to OR even when the user specifically searched with AND? I was under the impression that this fallback was only for things like “batman gmail” not when the user specifically does “batman AND gmail”.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: I just tried enabling the “Disable OR fallback” option. It still gives the same results as above.


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  • Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    Relevanssi doesn’t actually have AND or OR operators. It’s set from the plugin settings, and can’t be set from the search. If you have OR search enabled from plugin settings, “batman and gmail” will find all posts that include “batman”, “and”, or “gmail”.

    “batman +gmail” works and forces an AND search even if OR is enabled from the settings, though. Premium also has “operator” parameter that can be set as a query variable.

    Thread Starter Steve


    Thanks Mikko.

    I tested this and don’t get the proper results.

    My settings:
    Default Operator: OR
    Disable OR fallback: unchecked
    When to use fuzzy: Don’t.

    Search for “batman gmail” shows up both posts, as expected.

    However, searching for “batman +gmail” shows up both posts as well! I tried enabling the Disable OR Fallback option with no changes in the results.

    Is there something I’m missing?

    Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    What we’re both missing is that the + operator is also a Premium feature and doesn’t work in the free version. So yeah, that’s why it’s not working. In Premium it works just fine.

    Hi @mssari,

    I have the Relevanssi Premium and I’m facing the same problem, searching for “batman +gmail” shows up both posts as well, the AND force is not working.

    Am I missing something?

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