• Hello! I’m tryng to make my website a multi-language site.

    It seems it works , but not completely.
    I have created the 2 menus (English and Italian), but the “add an anchor menu to the front page. This replaces your custom menu—on the front page only—with an automatically-generated menu that links to each of panels” seems to be a problem.
    I mean if I click on a link on the Italian menu, the page doesn’t scroll down to the panel, and the panels showed on the Italian version are still in English.

    If I don’t choose the “anchor menu”, languages work but they open pages in a separate layout. The one-page scrolling down features is no longer usable.

    I think the problem is about the anchor between pages and Italian menu. I’ve read that others had similar problems with one page scroll down themes, but no solution were provided.

    What should I do? How can I ancor Italian pages to the Italian menu?
    Here you can see what’s happening.

    Thank you.


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  • Use a custom link in the regular menu and add a /#section to the end of it. Works like a charm.

    Thread Starter emeiar


    Thank you for your help. can you be more detailed, please?

    Thread Starter emeiar


    I just tried to add a custom link to the menu. It doesn’t work unfortunately

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