• Help. I’ve been using WordPress for a long time now but I’ve done something really bad.

    My web site url is http://www.robertfancher.com – that’s me. my personal site.
    Now, when you access it, there’s a standard Godaddy image “Future home of something cool”

    Last night I was messing around with Godaddy hosting tools. I decided to move the directory of wordpress to a new folder. I moved everything to /wordpress_rf/ after the main root folder.

    so now, my web site resides at http://www.robertfancher.com/wordpress_rf

    two problems. In the new web site url, the site’s main index page loads (albeit without most of the images) but when you click on anything , there’s an error message waiting for you.

    seceond, .. I can’t use the Godaddy hosting tools to move everything back to the root directory. Godaddy tells me that the root directory already has something installed. This is what I want to do, ultimately. I need to restore my website from /wordpress_rf back to http://www.robertfancher.com/ root main directory.

    The good news is that my Wp-admin login still works and I can see all of the pages and the post. All of my images are missing though. I see broken image links in place of hundreds of images that were sorted into galleries using the Photocrati plugin. This is scary. I can see the images on my FTP login – they’re still there. they are in the new directory. but they aren’t registering with my wordpress login or with the web site.

    I’ve been reading about options. From the most simple, just going to Settings>General and choosing “change wordpress url” to the more complex (like editing the database) which I have never done before. but at this point I need to do something because there was so much content and this site had a lot of pages and posts that I don’t know how to replace.

    Right now I am backing up 100% of the files using my FTP browser. I backed up the database using Godaddy tools and. It replaced the older database from December that had the whole site as it was in the root folder. Now, the database that is backed up is with the new url. the one that needs to be changed. I’m afraid that was the worst part.

    How bad is this? Is it possible for me to change everything back to how it was before? Thanks for any tips or suggestions. I’ll be checking in here again soon.

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  • Hi there.

    For sure you face that problem because your files are on a subfolder and in your database are declared in root directory .

    You have to see on https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress
    the section Moving Directories On Your Existing Server.

    In my opinion you should restore first a backup form your hosting provider and afterr all try again the move stp by step with those instructions.

    Or else you have to move the files back again ( as i see you cant do that ) or you have to replace all links to database with a query from http://www.site.com to http://www.site.com/subdirectory to have your site working again ( but in subfolder ).


    I would suggest that you roll things back from a previous backup. Try to get to your previous installation in a clean way without trying to transfer your existing directory back to the root. This would be the easiest solution for you right now. Is that an option?

    Your mistake was that you moved your WordPress installation without doing a proper migration procedure. Unfortunately some steps are needed to migrate a WordPress installation to a new place, be a a new server, domain, directory. There are some pretty helpful plugins for this like the Duplicator https://en.wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/.

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