• Hey,

    I will also post this here, since it is your plugin I have changed for what I wanted to realize.

    First, thanks for your plugin. The interface is so simple yet exactly what I was looking for, and very snappy.

    My problem was, I rely heavily on custom fields. Thus, I use the plugin “Search Everything” to replace the original wordpress search. However, at one point where you use WP_Query the original, weaker search is used again. I bypassed the problem by copying a passage from that other plugin into yours, adapting it slightly.

    Maybe you have an idea how there two plugins can work together without such a form of modification.

    Thank you!

    public function ajax_response() {
    	check_ajax_referer( $this->textdomain );
    	$s = trim( stripslashes( $_GET['q'] ) );
    	$query_args = apply_filters( 'wpss_search_query_args', array(
    		's'           => $s,
    		'post_status' => 'publish',
    	), $s );
    // The modified part starts
    	$is_query = !empty($s);
    	$result = array();
    	if ($is_query) {
    		$result = array(
    			'own' => array(),
    			'external' => array()
    		$params = array(
    			's' => $s
    		$zemanta_response = se_api(array(
    			'method' => 'zemanta.suggest',
    			'return_images' => 0,
    			'return_rich_objects' => 0,
    			'return_articles' => 1,
    			'return_markup' => 0,
    			'return_rdf_links' => 0,
    			'return_keywords' => 0,
    			'careful_pc' => 1,
    			'interface' => 'wordpress-se',
    			'format' => 'json',
    			'emphasis' => $_GET['s'],
    			'text' => $_GET['text']
    		if (!is_wp_error($zemanta_response) && $zemanta_response['response']['code'] == 200) {
    			$result['external'] = json_decode($zemanta_response['body'])->articles;
    		$SE = new SearchEverything(true);
    		if (!empty($_GET['exact'])) {
    			$params['exact'] = true;
    		$params["showposts"] = 5;
    		$post_query = new WP_query($params);
    		$results = array();
    		if ( $post_query->posts ) {
    			$results = apply_filters( 'wpss_search_results', wp_list_pluck( $post_query->posts, 'post_title' ), $post_query );
    			echo join( $results, "\n" );
    // Your original again, though inactive after wp_die()
    	$query = new WP_Query( $query_args );
    	if ( $query->posts ) {
    		$results = apply_filters( 'wpss_search_results', wp_list_pluck( $query->posts, 'post_title' ), $query );
    		echo join( $results, "\n" );


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