• Hello, it looks as though this plugin is breaking the compatibility with RICG Responsive Images.

    Here is the image code output with only RICG activated:
    Chrome correctly picks the closest thumbnail for the current screen size in the currentSrc.

    Here is the image code output with both plugins activated:
    Chrome does not pick the correct thumbnail, but instead loads the original image from src, and not currentSRC.

    Maybe this is a problem with the other plugin? Or Chrome (Same problem occurs in Firefox)? Or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks for your work on this plugin!


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  • Hello Robby,

    sorry to hop in with an almost totally unrelated question, but I’ve seen in your screenshot that you have an option on to show the currentSrc for an image in Dev Tools. Could you please let me know how can I turn that option on?

    Many thanks!

    Thread Starter Robby


    Bankitalia, hover over any of the currentSrc links when you have Dev Tools open, and that window should pop up.

    Ah, got it, thanks! 🙂

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