• I want the front page to display the one most recent post. I want it to look like the single post view for that post–that is, I don’t need or want a title other than the title of that one most recent post.

    I found lots of conflicting advice about this, mostly from 6 and 7 and 8 years ago, much of it not ending in any resolution, but nothing recent. (And I’m not so sure that advice that old still applies.) The Codex addresses static front pages that are partly dynamic, but is mostly interested in having static elements (beyond header and footer) PLUS a list of posts–and I don’t want EITHER of these things.

    Displaying JUST the most recent post on–AS–the front page would seem like a logical thing that a lot of people might want. (And that a lot were trying to do back around ’07-’08-’09.) But I can’t find a straightforward way of doing it!

    Is there a standard way of doing this?

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