• hypothon123


    How do I remove “Category Archives” title from my WordPress Blog so whenever I click on the category it doesn’t say “Category Archives”

    [ Moderator note: Code fixed, please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]

    get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="primary" class="content-area">
    		<div id="content" class="site-content" role="main">
    		<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
    			<header class="archive-header">
    							</header><!-- .archive-header -->
    			<?php /* The loop */ ?>
    			<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    				<?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
    			<?php endwhile; ?>
    			<?php iexcel_paging_nav(); ?>
    		<?php else : ?>
    			<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'none' ); ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>
    		</div><!-- #content -->
            <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    	</div><!-- #primary -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
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