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  • Plugin Author dolby_uk


    Hi there,

    With other caching plugins, such as WP Super Cache and WP Total Cache, there is usually a ‘mobile device’ exclusion section in the options, which allows you to exclude mobile ‘user-agents’ from being cached. But I’m not sure that’s what the Redis Cache plugin has in place?


    Thread Starter ad4msan


    // Start the timer so we can track the page load time
    $start = microtime();
    function getMicroTime($time) {
        list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", $time);
        return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
    function refreshHasSecret($secret) {
        return isset($_GET['refresh']) && $_GET['refresh'] == $secret;
    function requestHasSecret($secret) {
        return strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],"refresh=${secret}")!==false;
    function isRemotePageLoad($currentUrl, $websiteIp) {
        return (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])
                && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']== $currentUrl
                && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != '/'
                && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $websiteIp);
    function handleCDNRemoteAddressing() {
        // so we don't confuse the cloudflare server
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) {
    function getCleanUrl($secret) {
        $replaceKeys = array("?refresh=${secret}","&refresh=${secret}");
        $url = "http://${_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}${_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
        $current_url = str_replace($replaceKeys, '', $url);
        return $current_url;
    $wp_blog_header_path = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php';
    $debug          = true;
    $cache          = true;
    $websiteIp      = '';
    // if you use sockets, set this to true and use $redis_server for socket path
    $sockets        = false;
    // in case of sockets something like /home/user/.redis/sock
    $redis_server   = '';
    $secret_string  = 'changeme';
    $current_url    = getCleanUrl($secret_string);
    // used to prefix ssl cached pages
    $isSSL = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "ssl_" : "";
    $redis_key      = $isSSL.md5($current_url);
    if(!defined('WP_USE_THEMES')) {
        define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
    try {
        // check if PECL Extension is available
        if (class_exists('Redis')) {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<!-- Redis PECL module found -->\n";
            $redis = new Redis();
            // Sockets can be used as well. Documentation @
        } else { // Fallback to predis5.2.php
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<!-- using predis as a backup -->\n";
            include_once(dirname($wp_blog_header_path)."/wp-content/plugins/wp-redis-cache/predis5.2.php"); //we need this to use Redis inside of PHP
            // try the client first
            try {
                if ($sockets) {
                    $redis = new Predis_Client(array(
                        'scheme' => 'unix',
                        'path' => $redis_server
                } else {
                    $redis = new Predis_Client();
            } catch (Predis_ClientException $e) { // catch predis-thrown exception
                die("Predis not found on your server or was unable to run. Error message: " . $e->getMessage());
            } catch (Exception $e) { // catch other exceptions
                die("Error occurred. Error message: " . $e->getMessage());
        //Either manual refresh cache by adding ?refresh=secret_string after the URL or somebody posting a comment
        if (refreshHasSecret($secret_string) || requestHasSecret($secret_string) || isRemotePageLoad($current_url, $websiteIp)) {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<!-- manual refresh was required -->\n";
            require( $wp_blog_header_path );
            $unlimited = get_option('wp-redis-cache-debug',false);
            $seconds_cache_redis = get_option('wp-redis-cache-seconds',43200);
        // This page is cached, lets display it
        } else if ($redis->exists($redis_key)) {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<!-- serving page from cache: key: $redis_key -->\n";
            $cache  = true;
            $html_of_page = $redis->get($redis_key);
            echo $html_of_page;
         // If the cache does not exist lets display the user the normal page without cache, and then fetch a new cache page
        } else if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $websiteIp && strstr($current_url, 'preview=true') == false) {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "<!-- displaying page without cache -->\n";
            $isPOST = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') ? 1 : 0;
            $loggedIn = preg_match("/wordpress_logged_in/", var_export($_COOKIE, true));
            if (!$isPOST && !$loggedIn) {
                $level = ob_get_level();
                require( $wp_blog_header_path );
                while(ob_get_level() > $level) ob_end_flush();
                $html_of_page = ob_get_clean(); // ob_get_clean also closes the OB
                echo $html_of_page;
                if (!is_numeric($seconds_cache_redis)) {
                    $seconds_cache_redis = 43200;
                // When a page displays after an "HTTP 404: Not Found" error occurs, do not cache
                // When the search was used, do not cache
                if ((!is_404()) and (!is_search()))  {
                    if ($unlimited) {
                        $redis->set($redis_key, $html_of_page);
                    } else {
                        $redis->setex($redis_key, $seconds_cache_redis, $html_of_page);
            } else { //either the user is logged in, or is posting a comment, show them uncached
                require( $wp_blog_header_path );
        } else if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $websiteIp && strstr($current_url, 'preview=true') == true) {
            require( $wp_blog_header_path );
         // else {   // This is what your server should get if no cache exists  //deprecated, as the ob_start() is cleaner
            //require( $wp_blog_header_path );
        // }
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        //require( $wp_blog_header_path );
        echo "Something went wrong: " . $e->getMessage();
    $end  = microtime();
    $time = (@getMicroTime($end) - @getMicroTime($start));
    if ($debug) {
        echo "<!-- Cache system by Benjamin Adams. Page generated in " . round($time, 5) . " seconds. -->\n";
        echo "<!-- Site was cached  = " . $cache . " -->\n";
        if (isset($seconds_cache_redis)) {
            echo "<!-- wp-redis-cache-seconds  = " . $seconds_cache_redis . " -->\n";
        echo "<!-- wp-redis-cache-secret  = " . $secret_string . "-->\n";
        echo "<!-- wp-redis-cache-ip  = " . $websiteIp . "-->\n";
        if (isset($unlimited)) {
            echo "<!-- wp-redis-cache-unlimited = " . $unlimited . "-->\n";
        echo "<!-- wp-redis-cache-debug  = " . $debug . "-->\n";

    where i have to excluded user agent?

    Plugin Author dolby_uk


    I haven’t tested this, but replace the following:

    //Either manual refresh cache by adding ?refresh=secret_string after the URL or somebody posting a comment
        if (refreshHasSecret($secret_string) || requestHasSecret($secret_string) || isRemotePageLoad($current_url, $websiteIp)) {


    // Test for mobile - if so, just load WordPress
    global $mobile_smart;
    if (isset($mobile_smart) && $mobile_smart->switcher_isMobile()) {
      require( $wp_blog_header_path );
    //Either manual refresh cache by adding ?refresh=secret_string after the URL or somebody posting a comment
        else if (refreshHasSecret($secret_string) || requestHasSecret($secret_string) || isRemotePageLoad($current_url, $websiteIp)) {

    Basically, you’re testing for mobile first, and if it’s mobile, then load WordPress as normal, otherwise you’re entering the caching section.

    I’ve not tried it, but hopefully that’ll give you a starting place.

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