• Resolved Lori-Lee Craig


    I was asked to clean up a site. The person who made the site has it that there are social media share buttons at the bottom of every page. I need to only have the share buttons under the blog posts only. I can see the script on the site when I look at the source (see below) but I cannot find it on the actual site. I looked at the template and this code is not from the template. So I could sure use some help figuring out where the heck this script is coming from and how to make it so this only shows up under blog posts. Can anyone help. This is really bugging me.

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  • Brett


    Are there any social plugins installed? How about the Theme currently in use? Maybe it is located in the Theme Options

    Thread Starter Lori-Lee Craig


    I was looking in the Theme Options and I cannot find it. They have an option for three social network icons on the blog. I can also use a widget to put the share and follow for the social networks in the sidebar, but nothing to put it onto pages that I can see. Also when I look at the page there is no code for it, not a thing. It seems to be added from somewhere but I cannot find it. It would probably be a good idea for me to put the URL here lol, http://paramountsafetyconsulting.com/



    Since this is a commercial theme, I would suggest getting in touch with Theme Author on how to change the Social icons.

    Before you check with the Theme Author, check once again if any of the Sidebars have the Social Networks widget inside. And check the Appearance — Menus in case that is where it is.

    Since volunteers do not have access to commercial themes, we can only help so much.

    Thread Starter Lori-Lee Craig


    Thanks, I had already contacted the Theme author and have been waiting to hear from them. I do have social networks widgets in my sidebars, I put them there. I also looked at the appearance, and even the plugins to try and figure out where the code is coming from. Someone else had worked on the site before I was asked to revamp it. I worked on the existing site and the only thing I have not been able to change is this one part and it takes away from the design. I simply have not been able to figure out what she did to get this code in there unless she actually coded this into the template, which from my understanding she did not have the experience to do so, but that does not mean she did not. If that is the case I cannot change it at the dashboard level. I will have actually edit the file. However, I looked over the files and did not see the code, so it may be some type of script I just don’t know. I don’t know as much as I should 🙂 Hence my asking for help to identify the issue.

    Thread Starter Lori-Lee Craig


    Plug in issue – fixed 🙂

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