• Resolved P-Digi



    I created a child theme from Imbalance 2 as per the instructions on WordPress. When I activated the theme, the screen went white. I reloaded it, still white.

    I tried to go back to the Themes screen in WordPress so that I could revert back to the parent theme but that is also empty.

    I cannot login to edit anything.

    I have tried:

    deleting the child theme via ftp, nothing
    copying the contents of the parent theme into the place of the child theme to undo the changes, nothing
    setting the theme folder back to the original structure, nothing
    changing permissions for all files 0755, , nothing

    Link: http://portobello.thedigital.biz/

    Child functions.php:

    require_once ( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/theme-options.php' );
    if (!is_admin()) {
    	wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
    	wp_register_script( 'jquery', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/libs/jquery-1.6.1.min.js' );
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery_masonry', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/libs/jquery.masonry.min.js' );
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery_ui', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/libs/jquery-ui.custom.min.js' );
    	// javascript for infinite scroll
    	$imbalance2_theme_options = get_option('imbalance2_theme_options');
    	if ( $imbalance2_theme_options['navigation'] == 1 )
    		wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery_infinitescroll', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/libs/jquery.infinitescroll.min.js' );
    // shortcodes
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    function imbalance2_wide( $atts, $content = null )
    	return '<div class="wide">' . do_shortcode($content) . '</div>';
    add_shortcode( 'wide', 'imbalance2_wide' );
    function imbalance2_aside( $atts, $content = null )
    	return '<div class="aside">' . do_shortcode($content) . '</div>';
    add_shortcode( 'aside', 'imbalance2_aside' );
    // 210px width images for the grid
    if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) )
    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    	set_post_thumbnail_size( 210 );
    if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size' ) )
    	add_image_size( 'homepage-thumb', 210 );
    // font output for css
    function getFonts()
    	global $imbalance2_theme_options;
    	if ($imbalance2_theme_options['font'] == 0) return 'Georgia, "Times New Roman", Serif';
    	return '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Sans-Serif"';
    // favicon for <head>
    function getFavicon()
    	global $imbalance2_theme_options;
    	return '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.($imbalance2_theme_options['favicon'] != '' ? $imbalance2_theme_options['favicon'] : get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/favico.ico').'" />';
    // color option for css
    function getColor()
    	global $imbalance2_theme_options;
    	return $imbalance2_theme_options['color'] != '' ? $imbalance2_theme_options['color'] : '#f05133';
    // fluid grid option for css
    function fluidGrid()
    	global $imbalance2_theme_options;
    	return $imbalance2_theme_options['fluid'];
    // images only option for css
    function imagesOnly()
    	global $imbalance2_theme_options;
    	return $imbalance2_theme_options['images_only'];
    // google analytics
    function imbalance2google()
    	global $imbalance2_theme_options;
    	return $imbalance2_theme_options['google'];
    // custom menu
    class Imbalance2_Walker_Nav_Menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
    	function start_lvl(&$output, $depth) {
    		$indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
    		$output .= "\n$indent<div class=\"imbalance2_submenu_container\"><ul class=\"sub-menu\">
    <li><ul class=\"imbalance2_submenu\">\n";
    	function end_lvl(&$output, $depth) {
    		$indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
    		$output .= "$indent</li>
     * Functions and definitions
     * Set the content width based on the theme's design and stylesheet.
     * Used to set the width of images and content. Should be equal to the width the theme
     * is designed for, generally via the style.css stylesheet.
    if ( ! isset( $content_width ) )
    	$content_width = 720;
    /** Tell WordPress to run imbalance2_setup() when the 'after_setup_theme' hook is run. */
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'imbalance2_setup' );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'imbalance2_setup' ) ):
     * Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
     * Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which runs
     * before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such as indicating
     * support post thumbnails.
     * To override imbalance2_setup() in a child theme, add your own imbalance2_setup to your child theme's
     * functions.php file.
     * @uses add_theme_support() To add support for post thumbnails and automatic feed links.
     * @uses register_nav_menus() To add support for navigation menus.
     * @uses add_custom_background() To add support for a custom background.
     * @uses add_editor_style() To style the visual editor.
     * @uses load_theme_textdomain() For translation/localization support.
     * @uses add_custom_image_header() To add support for a custom header.
     * @uses register_default_headers() To register the default custom header images provided with the theme.
     * @uses set_post_thumbnail_size() To set a custom post thumbnail size.
     * @since Twenty Ten 1.0
    function imbalance2_setup() {
    	// This theme styles the visual editor with editor-style.css to match the theme style.
    	// This theme uses post thumbnails
    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    	// Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head
    	add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
    	// Make theme available for translation
    	// Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory
    	load_theme_textdomain( 'imbalance2', TEMPLATEPATH . '/languages' );
    	$locale = get_locale();
    	$locale_file = TEMPLATEPATH . "/languages/$locale.php";
    	if ( is_readable( $locale_file ) )
    		require_once( $locale_file );
    	// This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
    	register_nav_menus( array(
    		'header-left' => __( 'Header Left Navigation', 'imbalance2' ),
    		'header-center' => __( 'Header Center Navigation', 'imbalance2' ),
    		'header-right' => __( 'Header Right Navigation', 'imbalance2' ),
    		'footer-left' => __( 'Footer Left Navigation', 'imbalance2' ),
    		'footer-right' => __( 'Footer Right Navigation', 'imbalance2' )
    	) );
     * Sets the post excerpt length to 40 characters.
     * To override this length in a child theme, remove the filter and add your own
     * function tied to the excerpt_length filter hook.
     * @since Twenty Ten 1.0
     * @return int
    function imbalance2_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    	return 40;
    add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'imbalance2_excerpt_length' );
     * Replaces "[...]" (appended to automatically generated excerpts).
     * To override this in a child theme, remove the filter and add your own
     * function tied to the excerpt_more filter hook.
     * @since Twenty Ten 1.0
     * @return string An ellipsis
    function imbalance2_auto_excerpt_more( $more ) {
    	return '';
    add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'imbalance2_auto_excerpt_more' );
     * Remove inline styles printed when the gallery shortcode is used.
     * Galleries are styled by the theme in Twenty Ten's style.css. This is just
     * a simple filter call that tells WordPress to not use the default styles.
     * @since Twenty Ten 1.2
    add_filter( 'use_default_gallery_style', '__return_false' );
     * Deprecated way to remove inline styles printed when the gallery shortcode is used.
     * This function is no longer needed or used. Use the use_default_gallery_style
     * filter instead, as seen above.
     * @since Twenty Ten 1.0
     * @deprecated Deprecated in Twenty Ten 1.2 for WordPress 3.1
     * @return string The gallery style filter, with the styles themselves removed.
    function imbalance2_remove_gallery_css( $css ) {
    	return preg_replace( "#<style type='text/css'>(.*?)</style>#s", '', $css );
    // Backwards compatibility with WordPress 3.0.
    if ( version_compare( $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.1', '<' ) )
    	add_filter( 'gallery_style', 'imbalance2_remove_gallery_css' );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'imbalance2_comment' ) ) :
     * Template for comments and pingbacks.
     * To override this walker in a child theme without modifying the comments template
     * simply create your own imbalance2_comment(), and that function will be used instead.
     * Used as a callback by wp_list_comments() for displaying the comments.
     * @since Twenty Ten 1.0
    function imbalance2_comment( $comment, $args, $depth ) {
    	$GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;
    	switch ( $comment->comment_type ) :
    		case '' :
    	<li <?php comment_class(); ?> id="li-comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>">
    		<div id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>">
    			<div class="comment-avatar">
    				<?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 60 ); ?>
    		<?php if ( $comment->comment_approved == '0' ) : ?>
    			<em class="comment-awaiting-moderation"><?php _e( 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'imbalance2' ); ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>
    			<div class="comment-author">
    				<?php printf( __( '%s', 'imbalance2' ), sprintf( '<cite class="fn">%s</cite>', get_comment_author_link() ) ); ?>
    			<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
    					/* translators: 1: date, 2: time */
    					printf( __( '%1$s at %2$s', 'imbalance2' ), get_comment_date(),  get_comment_time() ); ?><?php edit_comment_link( __( '(Edit)', 'imbalance2' ), ' ' );
    			</div><!-- .comment-meta .commentmetadata -->
    			<div class="reply">
    				<?php comment_reply_link( array_merge( $args, array( 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'] ) ) ); ?>
    			</div><!-- .reply -->
    			<div class="comment-body"><?php comment_text(); ?></div>
    		</div><!-- #comment-##  -->
    		case 'pingback'  :
    		case 'trackback' :
    	<li class="post pingback">
    		<p><?php _e( 'Pingback:', 'imbalance2' ); ?> <?php comment_author_link(); ?><?php edit_comment_link( __( '(Edit)', 'imbalance2' ), ' ' ); ?></p>
     * Removes the default styles that are packaged with the Recent Comments widget.
     * To override this in a child theme, remove the filter and optionally add your own
     * function tied to the widgets_init action hook.
     * This function uses a filter (show_recent_comments_widget_style) new in WordPress 3.1
     * to remove the default style. Using Twenty Ten 1.2 in WordPress 3.0 will show the styles,
     * but they won't have any effect on the widget in default Twenty Ten styling.
     * @since Twenty Ten 1.0
    function imbalance2_remove_recent_comments_style() {
    	add_filter( 'show_recent_comments_widget_style', '__return_false' );
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'imbalance2_remove_recent_comments_style' );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'imbalance2_posted_by' ) ) :
    function imbalance2_posted_by() {
    	printf( __( '<span class="meta-sep">By</span> %1$s', 'imbalance2' ),
    		sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a>',
    			get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ),
    			sprintf( esc_attr__( 'View all posts by %s', 'imbalance2' ), get_the_author() ),
    if ( ! function_exists( 'imbalance2_posted_on' ) ) :
    function imbalance2_posted_on() {
    	printf( __( '%1$s', 'imbalance2' ),
    		sprintf( '<span class="entry-date">%1$s</span>',
    if ( ! function_exists( 'imbalance2_posted_in' ) ) :
    function imbalance2_posted_in() {
    	if ( is_object_in_taxonomy( get_post_type(), 'category' ) ) {
    		$posted_in = __( '%1$s', 'imbalance2' );
    	} else {
    		$posted_in = __( 'Bookmark the <a href="%2$s" title="Permalink to %3$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.', 'imbalance2' );
    		get_the_category_list( ', ' ),
    		the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' )
    if ( ! function_exists( 'imbalance2_tags' ) ) :
    function imbalance2_tags() {
    	$tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', ', ' );
    	if ( $tag_list ) printf(__( '<div class="entry-tags"><span>Tags:</span> %1$s</div>', 'imbalance2' ), $tag_list );

    I need help urgently.

Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • For now, can you set the theme as one of the WordPress default themes? Say TwentyFourteen?

    After that, there shouldn’t really be anything in your child-theme files at all. Well except for the necessary CSS comments in styles.css and if you like, this snippet in your functions.php

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );

    By the way, pasting large amounts of code here is discouraged. It’s likely that the post will be moderated. Best use something like Pastebin and if you do paste code use the code button or wrap in backticks.

    OH, and you’re locked out?

    Maybe try using FTP to go in and rename the folder of your child-theme and it’s parent theme. This should force WP to use a default theme.

    Thread Starter P-Digi


    Thanks, I’ll remove the above code.

    Yes, I’m completely locked out.

    I’ll try the renaming tip now.

    Thread Starter P-Digi


    Thank you Martcol, you are a damn genius!

    Thread Starter P-Digi


    What could have caused that?

    Actually, I only wish I was a genius!

    I think that you might have had stuff in the functions.php file of your child theme which caused a conflict. If you copied any or all of the parent theme functions.php you would call that stuff twice which is going to cause WP to fall over its own laces!

    Thread Starter P-Digi


    The functions.php has to be copied over entirely, I read. Is that wrong? Or if it is correct, do the functions have to be renamed?

    Your child theme will use the parent’s functions. If you want to add or change any of its functions you can do that in the child.


    Copying the content of the parent functions.php is wrong.

    Thread Starter P-Digi


    Thanks, I’ll stick to using the codex help and the forum here, rather than blogs! I’ll try the changes with just the change functions in the child functions.php

    Thread Starter P-Digi


    Thanks Martcol, it works swimmingly.

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