• Hello,

    I am trying to trigger a function when a custom post type with custom fields is edit or new. For the custom fields i am using advance custom field plugin. And this is the function and hook

    function insert_table_my_products($post_id, $post) {
        if ($post->post_type == 'my-custom-products') {
            global $wpdb;
            global $post;
            $custom_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID);
           // echo ('insert message');
            //print_r(  get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'product_code' ));
            if (class_exists('Attachments')) {
                $attachments = new Attachments('my_attachments');
                if ($attachments->exist()) {
                    $my_index = 0;
                    $use_image = new SplFileInfo($attachments->url($my_index));
                    $use_main_image = $use_image->getFilename();
                } else {
                    $use_main_image = 'product_holder.jpg';
            } else {
                $use_main_image = 'product_holder_no_attach.jpg';
                    'tique_products', array(
                'product_code' => $custom_meta['product_code'][0],
                'product_name' => $post->post_title,
                'product_img_name' => $use_main_image,
                'price' => $custom_meta['price_patch'][0], //$POST['acf-field-price_patch'],
                'product_inventory' => $custom_meta['stock'][0], //$POST['fields[field_54df75e760b5e]'],
    add_action('publish_my-custom-products', 'insert_table_my_products', 10, 2);

    Main problem i am having the $custom_meta returns empty???

    I need all specific post data and custom field data to insert in a custom table

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