• I am using New User Approve and the plugin Developer Mode https://wordpress.org/plugins/developer-mode/

    In the email for the admin, the link to approve a user is mysite.com/wp-admin/users.php?s&pw-status-query-submit=Filter&new_user_approve_filter=pending&paged=1
    When I geto to this page, there is a warning that says:
    No users have been assigned the “Developer” role yet. Until you do so, the functionality of the Developer Mode plugin will be limited. Please go to the Utenti page and assign the developer role to a user, or promote yourself to “Developer”.
    BUT I have the developer role (the plugin still works fine).
    The correct link in the email should be mysite.com/wp-admin/users.php?page=new-user-approve-admin&tab=pending_users

    Any suggestion?


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