• Hello everybody.
    I’ve got a problem and checked it in a some websites. Can’t find the solution in internet by any words.
    What do I do:
    1) Open the post and creat thumbnail.
    2) When I load the original picture it loads in different sizes: original, large, medium, thumbnail.
    3) Well I go to edit the thumbnail and I crop it. While editing the picture I see the original picture and the thumbnail I croped. But when I press the button “Feature Image” I see the wrong thumbnail created automatically. And also the same autothumbnail shows on the frontend. I checked again thumbnail from Media and also I see my croped version. But the post has a wrong size of thumbnail and wrong automatically crop.
    I tried to use the plugin for croping – and the problem is the same.
    Please help because for now I see the only one solution: the loading of two pictures (one is for original, another is for thumbnail)

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