• I have read up on this particular issue everywhere but the solutions have not worked for me. I have a paypal button with a drop down selection for the product and am trying to add a “view cart” button directly beneath the “add to cart” button. WordPress is adding a huge gap between the buttons and other form elements. I also learned that editing out any linebreaks in the visual view seems to break the button’s functionality but editing out linebreaks in the text view does not solve the added spacing issue. When I edit out linebreaks from the visual view, the buttons spacing is fine, however the button’s dropdown menu breaks.

    I formatted the html using Dreamweaver and the issue does not seem to happen in previews of the page as it is coded in Dreamweaver. The issue only appears in WordPress. Also adding custom css styling to the forms with negative margin/padding did not work. I am at rope’s end now!

    Thanks to anyone that can give me some insight on the issue!

    Here is a picture of the issue:

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