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  • Very nice dude. Thumbs up from me.

    Great theme! Thanks for packaging it!

    i dont know which one of these came first…

    Does that matter ???


    Css zen garden is a prestigious projet where professional designers showcase the powers of css. Though I believe the license there is attributive share alike (creative commons), resembling a layout as closeley as that is merely copying.

    You can read mezzoblue’s articles about similar cases (also dealing with css zen garden):

    I commented because of this:

    I see no difference.

    That’s apple’s problem. In the past, and I don’t think they go after everyone anymore, they closed all look-alike projects. A windows skinning program had to remove it’s lookalike skins. Now they are more tolerant in this matter it seems.

    In any case: unless given permission, you can’t steal someone’s design.

    That’s what I was getting at – it’s either right or not, regardless of whether the original be cssgarden or Apple.

    It is completely OK to get inspired from other designs., and even some of my themes are inspired from others.

    but in all these cases, even though it is a ‘free-to-use’ kind of design, I do give a reference and/or link to the source.

    Atleast that should be done, to credit the original author.

    In the case of the CSS Zen Garden, you are allowed to use the stylesheet (with proper license and author reference) but NOT the images.

    And by the way, the original is much better…

    Unfortunately, in this case, it’s not a matter of inspiration, but of copying.

    Now you sort of say you have some other themes inspirated like that, I’m glad to be warned not to trust a theme from you as original work anymore.

    I hope you contact the author of your theme here and ask whether he feels ok with what you’ve come up with.

    yes. not all of them are my original creations.

    but when I port some other themes for wordpress, i do get permission from them before I release it.

    For Example, was an inspiration for doing my georgian theme.(i did 3 variations of that..check the sidebar on and apply the style geo1, geo2,and geo3)

    But on the post announcing it arrival, and on the stylesheet etc, I did mention that this is not my original creation.
    If you happen to follow me long before, you would have known that.


    Wait a minute. I got authors mixed up.

    I see you, sadish, asks permission and credit where due. That’s how it should be.

    But at this moment I wouldn’t trust Method has asked permission from the author too. He doesn’t even credit him/her. At this point it looks like it is a ripoff and I suggest that noone uses this theme before the matter is cleared up, as you might get into difficulties with using it.

    You always need to be careful of such things, when being inspired by another’s work.

    ALWAYS credit the source, or you will be accused of being a ripper. I have seen rips of work over and over again in my years at (the old site not the new one) and later at Intellectual property is highly protected by the artistic community and people who don’t acknowledge source and give credit usually are found out. As has happened on this occasion.

    Method should pull the theme until he has permission to use it in this way. Or at the very least give credit where its due and notify the original artist. Its the right thing to do.

    Thread Starter method


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