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  • Zecka


    I have the same probleme



    Okay need to add this to function.php:

    and after use: [fixtures_table_all]

    SOURCE: evergreenpa

    1) OK so you want all of the fixtures together in one list even though they are in different teams? That’s not currently possible with the plugin however if you’re willing to edit code then open up the functions.php file (Appearance -> Editor, on the right menu click “Theme Functions”, and then directly before < ?php add the code here: and then use the shortcode [fixtures_table_all] If you’re good at editing WordPress themes, then do this via FTP in a child theme.

    Hey Zecka,

    I have tried to add this function.
    However when doing so, I receive the “white page” problem. Whenever I update anything on the admin panel I receive a white page. Content is still updated, but I have to return the page. I am also not able to logout the admin panel, respectively my friend who helps me is not able to login because he receives a white page.

    Do you have any solution/reason for this?

    I’m trying to do the same just on widget on homepage. Any news?


    Thanks Zecka works a treat, the only problem is the fixtures show in a random order, is there any way to change the code so the fixtures show in date/time order?

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