• Resolved Ramon Rocha


    Dear friends,

    I’m using the plugin version 1.10.9, and is working on WP 3.9

    But notice that the new version is fixed at the top of dashboard is bothering me… not to mention the risk of accidentally clicking the button UPDATE NOW… I did it twice and just caused a lot of errors in installing the new version and I had a great job to get back to version 1.10.9

    I’ve tried to remove the prompt directly in the DB table. The warning disappears, but comes back soon after …

    Anyway … I would like to permanently remove this notice at the top of dahboard

    Can someone help me?

    Thanks and I’m sorry by my poor english (using Google Translator :P)


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  • Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    Anybody help me?

    The changes in 2.0 and beyond are very dramatic, and are most definitely something you want. The transition to 2.0 was rough, to say the least, but most bugs are sorted out now. I highly suggest you do the following:

    -Backup your site as is now (database and all, DO NOT SKIP THIS)
    -Upgrade to the latest version (2.13, as of writing this)
    -Contact Timely support via forum, or ticket on their site if you have issues that the “how to upgrade properly” threads don’t aide you with.

    They’ve walked numerous people through the upgrade, and even logged in and fixed things themselves for a few people. It might seem like a small pain to do this, but the new version is MUCH faster, future-proof, and all around a better product. Keep in mind, I’m well aware of the trouble you went through originally upgrading to 2.0 (I had the same). Best of luck with the upgrade, I hope you don’t hold back.

    Hello Roman,

    We can help you upgrade, can you please post your login credentials privately on https://time.ly/forums.

    Make sure you backup your database.


    Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    But… And my Facebook integration? Even the free version will have this feature?

    Facebook themselves have broken part of the integration with their new API.

    Facebook no longer allow you to export events TO Facebook out of the calendar.

    You can still import events FROM Facebook into the calendar.

    Note: Facebook support the old API ‘for the moment’, and only if you created the API key before April this year. Whatever you do, don’t delete that API key if you want to post events, but note that at some stage, Facebook WILL turn off the old version of the API.

    PS: This isn’t an Ai1ec thing. This is entirely on Facebook wanting to make sure that all events are created ON Facebook using the Facebook user interface. Basically they’re trying to lock people into using Facebook for creating their events if those people want to share the event AS AN EVENT (eg: saying you’re going, etc) on Facebook.

    Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    But with 1.10.9 version I can export my events to Facebook!

    Ramon: For the next 6 months or so. After that, Facebook will disable the old API interface completely and it will stop working.

    As has been mentioned before, exporting to Facebook is NOT an Time.ly issue, but a Facebook API change that they didn’t warn anyone they were changing.

    Also: Any new API credentials created since April DO NOT have access to the old API. If you deleted your existing Facebook API credentials (or had to re-create them), you will find that you will NO LONGER be able to post events to Facebook.

    Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    cefiar reaffirm that in version 1.10.9 I can export my events to facebook normally… This continues working until now

    Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    what I need is only able to remove the warning that the new version plugin puts a frame in the page header. Anybody help me???

    Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    what I need is only able to remove the warning that the new version plugin puts a frame in the page header. Anybody help me???

    Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    Anybody help me, please?

    I don’t know what the setting you need to set in the DB is, and most people have updated to 2.0 or 2.1 now. Time.ly themselves stopped supporting 1.10.* some time ago.

    Thread Starter Ramon Rocha


    but the 2.x version does not export the events to Facebook
    My version 1.10.9 do it!
    I just wanted to remove that warning at the top of Panel…

    BTW: Expect the Facebook exports to stop working in March or April 2015, when Facebook turn off the API which this version is using for everyone (not just new users as they’ve already done).

    You might try changing the u_cron() function in app/controllers/class-ai1ec-settings-controller.php that starts on line 261 and try changing it to this:

    function u_cron() {
        update_option( 'ai1ec_update_available', 0 );
        update_option( 'ai1ec_update_message', '' );
        update_option( 'ai1ec_package_url', '' );

    Basically: Delete lines 265 through to 287.

    This should break the update check cycle.

    Note: Make a backup of the file BEFORE you edit it, in case I’ve made a mistake. I’ve not tried this and I am not installing 1.10.x to test it either.

    @ramon i confirm that facebook update will stop working. We removed it. cefiar solution will prevent you from upgrading if you wish.

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