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  • Here is the Name field from one of my forms.

    <label>Your Name
    [text* Name 25/50]</label>

    The label ‘Your Name’ preceeds the input field and that is what the user sees. The input field is named ‘Name’. The 25/50 says that the input field width is 25 characters wide and it will accept up to 50 characters.

    This may be simplistic, but you should get the point nonetheless. You should take a look at for more detail at formatting a field.

    If your theme has columns built into the site you can use those classes to style them.

    For example, here’s the top section of one of my forms:

    <div id="booking"><h3>Booking Details</h3>
    <div class="one-fourth first">[text* BookingName akismet:author placeholder "Name of Person Booking *"]</div>
    <div  class="one-fourth">[text* BookingTel placeholder "Booking Telephone *"]</div>
    <div  class="one-fourth">[email* BookingEmail akismet:author_email placeholder "Booking Email *"]</div>
    <div  class="one-fourth">[text BookingRef placeholder "Booking Reference"]</div>

    example style:
    .one-fourth {width: 23.076923076923077%;}

    Or, you can style cf7 fields directly with

    Submit button:

    text fields


    text area (message)

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