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  • This would be awesome. The option to customize the default caption would be generally awesome… in fact this relates to my other feature request:

    global $wp_version; needs to be added at line 592 in pick-a-pic.php

    What is this bug you are referring to?

    Is anyone developing this plugin?

    Plugin Author pekastel


    Hey guys,

    I’m with little free time and could not answer before. Regarding the “BY: ” word, you can translate using wpml string translation, just look for the ‘pickapic’ textdomain.

    I know it could be better to change it directly from WP admin but I’m working on a new version of the plugin and I’m only doing bug fixes only on this version. The good news is that this kind of suggestions will be taking into account. The bad news is that it’s still not finished, but it will be soon.

    And it’s true “global” was needed on line 592, fixed on 1.2.6 (released today).

    May I propose that the plugin adopt the standard caption citation format, using what Creative Commons says is the ideal style?


    This means providing 1) the title linked to the source image page followed by 2) the author’s name linked to their page, and finally 3) the CC license abbreviation linked to its page.

    Ideally separators like quotation marks, parentheses, etc. would be definable in the plugin settings, and any language terms like “by” should be translatable strings.

    Author/Photographer names in Flickr have always been a problem if you prefer to have a real name used rather than the username which can often be humorous, profane, or too informal. Does Flickr’s API provide access to the user’s real profile name, if one exists? Sometimes this can only be determined by looking at the user’s personal website if they provide a link or by googling them. I often end up doing that so I don’t have to display usernames like “insane_kl0wn” in photo captions where it would be seen as inappropriate.

    YES! I love Dan’s suggestion that the plugin template use the best practices format:

    "<a href="">Photo Title</a>" by <a href="">Author</a> is licensed under CC BY 2.0

    That would be a nice feature. But please use rel=”nofollow” links.

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