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  • jenevieve


    Hi Team!
    “Error: Date format seems invalid” is shown also in other browsers, and there is no more calendar. thanks!

    Contact Form 7 has some Datepicker support via the new HTML5 date input type but this is currently only supported on some browsers – see

    Contact Form 7does provide jQuery UI-based fallback for the date and number input fields. By using this solution, you can provide calendar UI for the date field and spinbox UI for the number field, respectively, even with Firefox or Internet Explorer. By default, this fallback feature is disabled because it loads extra JavaScript and CSS (makes for poor performance) and it is only necessary for websites that use the date or the number input fields. If you use the date or number input fields and wish to use this jQuery UI-based fallback feature, add the following code into your theme’s functions.php file and activate the feature:
    add_filter( 'wpcf7_support_html5_fallback', '__return_true' );

    See plus
    See also




    Adding the filter in functions.php does work, it puts a calendar widget in IE, Chrome remains as it was.
    However, editing functions.php is counter productive. If I update the theme, I lose the changes, it becomes a maintenance nightmare.
    I have another solution that does not add the calendar widget to the date field, instead it shows within the date field the format of the date required in IE. Chrome ignores this. This is acceptable for many of the websites I have done.
    The field format in CF7 I use is:

    <p>Arrival Date (required)
    [date* arrival-date “yyyy-mm-dd”]</p>

    Note the “yyyy-mm-dd” format, this is what’s needed.
    Good as CF7 is, the date formatting is very poor in both forms and emails. Its not cross browser, nor is is easily formatted for country specific requirements. Here in the UK its utter confusion with American date formats hanging around.
    What should be very basic requirements for a form facility are sadly lacking in CF7, developers please take note. As a minimum, there should be a setting that enables or disables the addfilter for each form. LenW

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