• Hi,

    I have just download and installed SimplePie plugin for WP and I must say the documentation is very poor this is appalling and I had to go to this forum to find a tiny bit of information. SimplePie is certainly great but the problem is how to use it.

    From WP thread I got this piece of code for Multifeeds:

    echo SimplePieWP(array(
    ), array(
    	'items' => 5,
    	'cache_duration' => 1800,
    	'date_format' => 'j M Y, g:i a'

    I placed 3 feeds but only 1 is showing up and all the news are coming from the first feed.

    My goal is to get all the feeds side by side and not mixed and how to get only the titles?

    A a side note, the SimplePieLive link is down: http://live.simplepie.org/

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  • The reason your not seeing posts from the other feeds is because you’ve set the max number of items to 5 and the first 5 items all came from the first feed. It had the most recent dates. (SimplePie by default sorts all items in reverse chron order.) If you had set the number of items to infinite, 0, you would of seen all the items from all the feeds. 🙂

    To display each feeds separately, simply call SimplePieWP once for each feed.

    To only display the title, copy the “sideblog.tmpl” template in the template directory to “headlines.tmpl” and remove the {TRUNCATE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION} tag. Add that template to the options array.

    Here is some demo code to do what you desire:


    I don’t agree that SimplePie docs are poor. Quite the opposite. The docs for SimplePie Plugin for WordPress are here:


    Michael P. Shipley
    SimplePie Project Member

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