Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • I am getting the same thing but with the letter “L” instead.

    Thread Starter ameerulislam


    Lol I’m getting O’s every where.. any solutions for this?

    I am pulling different youtube channels, some get the full description, some of them just the letter V.

    What’s up with that?

    I’m getting the same error.. that always happened when I add a comment to my playlist, do you know how can I do to this comment be also imported with the video?

    I’m getting random letters but the description does get added as well.

    Here’s a quick Fix >>>
    hope it works for you as it did for me :-

    let me help you out…

    to overcome this…

    When typing your YouTube description =
    Dont Press ENTER.

    Just keep on typing in a single paragraph.
    Allow youtube to drop to the next line for you.

    Tell me if it works. Coz it works for me.

    To the Author : mpraetzel
    Please take note of this and why is it this way ?

    @comawhite – don’t works.

    Same error here.

    The developer abandon the plugin update?


    Trying using PHP Version 5.3.20
    it works on that php version

    But doesnt work with 5.4 +.

    Sadly, Yes, looks like the developer abandoned it or possibly is busy with other things…


    if u delete the line 243, the one with 'post_content' => $s,
    u eliminate the video description and with that the error that put there those letters

    i don”t need the description of the video so this works just fine for me

    In Core Folder Replace Parse.php With Code Bellow

    Automatic Youtube Video Posts V3.2

    // File:
    // settings.php
    // Description:
    // This file compiles and processes the plugin’s various settings pages.
    // Actions:
    // 1) compile overall plugin settings form
    // 2) process and save plugin settings
    // Date:
    // Added on November 3rd 2010
    // Copyright:
    // Copyright (c) 2010 Matthew Praetzel.
    // License:
    // This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
    // as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of of
    // the GNU General Public License along with this software. In the event that you
    // have not, please visit:

    /****************************************Commence Script*******************************************/

    // ******************************* //
    //________________________________** INITIALIZE VARIABLES **_________________________________//
    //////////////////////////////////** **///////////////////////////////////
    // ** ** //
    // ******************************* //
    $tern_wp_youtube_vids = array();
    // ******************************* //
    //________________________________** ADD EVENTS **_________________________________//
    //////////////////////////////////** **///////////////////////////////////
    // ** ** //
    // ******************************* //
    if($GLOBALS[‘pagenow’] != ‘admin-ajax.php’) {
    // ******************************* //
    //________________________________** POST FUNCTIONS **_________________________________//
    //////////////////////////////////** **///////////////////////////////////
    // ** ** //
    // ******************************* //
    function WP_ayvpp_add_posts($x=1,$n=20,$f=false) {
    global $getWP,$getFIX,$tern_wp_youtube_options,$tern_wp_youtube_o,$tern_wp_users,$tern_wp_youtube_videos,$tern_wp_youtube_keys,$wpdb;
    $tern_wp_youtube_o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_options);


    //no channels have been specified
    if(empty($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘channels’])) {

    //currently there is an import taking place
    if($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] and $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] !== false and $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] !== $r) {
    if($n == ‘*’) {
    die(‘There is an import currently taking place. Please try again later.’);

    //it is not yet time to import
    if(!$f and (($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘last_import’]+($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘cron’]*3600)) > time() and !empty($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘last_import’]) and $n != ‘*’)) {

    //get all existing imported videos
    $tern_wp_youtube_videos = $wpdb->get_col(“select meta_value from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key=’_tern_wp_youtube_video'”);
    $x = empty($x) ? 1 : (int)$x;

    //keep other imports from happening
    if(!$r or $r !== $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’]) {
    $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] = $r = wp_create_nonce(‘ayvpp-‘.time());
    $tern_wp_youtube_o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_o,true);


    //finish import
    $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘is_importing’] = false;
    if($n != ‘*’) {
    $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘last_import’] = time();

    return true;

    function WP_ayvpp_add_import_posts($x=1,$n=20,$r=false) {

    global $getWP,$getFILE,$tern_wp_users,$tern_wp_youtube_o,$tern_wp_youtube_videos,$tern_wp_youtube_keys,$tern_wp_youtube_vids,$tern_wp_youtube_post_defaults,$tern_wp_youtube_feed,$tern_wp_youtube_channels,$wpdb;

    //deal with memory issues
    if($n == ‘*’ and !WP_ayvpp_check_memory()) {
    return false;

    //perform import
    $total = $n == ‘*’ ? $x+49 : $x+$n;
    $y = 0;
    foreach((array)$tern_wp_youtube_o[‘channels’] as $v) {

    $name = $v[‘name’];

    //if a channel does not have a type or channel set
    if(empty($v[‘type’]) or empty($v[‘channel’])) {
    WP_ayvpp_update_file(‘Please set either a type or channel for “‘.$v[‘name’].'”.’);

    //if type is playlist and we’re looking for additional videos round from a channel
    if($v[‘type’] == ‘playlist’ and $x > 1) {

    //if a channel is already maxed out
    if($tern_wp_youtube_channels[$name]) {

    //parse videos
    $tern_wp_youtube_vids = array();

    //notify user of next step
    WP_ayvpp_update_file(‘<h4>Attempting to download videos ‘.$x.’ through ‘.$total.’ from ‘.$v[‘type’].’: “‘.$v[‘name’].'”</h4><h5>Feed URL for this query: ‘.$tern_wp_youtube_feed.’</h5>’);

    if(empty($tern_wp_youtube_vids) and $y >= count($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘channels’]) and count($tern_wp_youtube_channels) == (count($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘channels’])-1)) {
    return false;
    elseif(empty($tern_wp_youtube_vids)) {
    $tern_wp_youtube_channels[$name] = true;

    $c = 0;
    foreach((array)$tern_wp_youtube_vids as $w) {


    //get video ID
    if($w[‘media:group’][‘yt:videoid’]) {
    $i = $w[‘media:group’][‘yt:videoid’];
    else {
    $w = $w[‘value’] ? $w[‘value’] : $w;
    $i = explode(‘/’,$w[‘id’]);
    $i = $i[count($i)-1];

    $video = $wpdb->get_var(“select meta_value from $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key=’$i'”);

    if(!empty($i) and strlen($i) > 0 and !$video and !in_array($i,$tern_wp_youtube_videos)) {

    //get info about a video
    $y = new tern_curl();
    $f = $y->get(array(
    ‘url’ => ‘;.$i.’?v=2′,
    ‘options’ => array(
    ‘RETURNTRANSFER’ => true,
    ‘FOLLOWLOCATION’ => true
    ‘headers’ => array(
    ‘Accept-Charset’ => ‘UTF-8’
    $f->body = preg_replace(“/(<media\:description[^>\/]*>)/”,”$1<![CDATA[“,$f->body);
    $f->body = preg_replace(“/(<\/media\:description>)/”,”]]>$1″,$f->body);
    $f->body = preg_replace(“/(<title[^>\/]*>)/”,”$1<![CDATA[“,$f->body);
    $f->body = preg_replace(“/(<\/title>)/”,”]]>$1″,$f->body);
    $f->body = preg_replace(“/(<media\:title[^>\/]*>)/”,”$1<![CDATA[“,$f->body);
    $f->body = preg_replace(“/(<\/media\:title>)/”,”]]>$1″,$f->body);
    $z = new ternXML;
    $a = $z->parse($f->body);

    if($a[‘errors’]) {
    if($a[‘errors’][‘error’][‘code’] == ‘too_many_recent_calls’) {
    WP_ayvpp_parse_set_error(‘Google has responded that you have made too many requests for videos.’);

    //compile post content
    $s = ”;
    if(!empty($a[‘entry’][“media:group”][‘media:description’])) {
    $s = $a[‘entry’][“media:group”][‘media:description’];
    elseif(!empty($a[‘entry’][‘content’])) {
    $s = !empty($a[‘entry’][‘content’][‘value’]) ? $a[‘entry’][‘content’][‘value’] : $a[‘entry’][‘content’];

    if(!empty($s) and !is_array($s)) {
    //replace links
    $s = preg_replace(‘@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.#!-]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@’,”$1“,$s);

    //add linebreaks
    $s = preg_replace(“/[\r\n]/”,’

    //add more tag
    $s = explode(‘ ‘,(string)$s);
    if($tern_wp_youtube_o[‘words’] and count($s) > $tern_wp_youtube_o[‘words’]) {
    $s = array_merge(array_splice($s,0,$tern_wp_youtube_o[‘words’]),array(‘<!–more–>’),$s);
    $s = implode(‘ ‘,$s);
    else {
    $s = ”;

    //get keywords
    $t = isset($w[‘media:group’][‘media:keywords’]) ? $w[‘media:group’][‘media:keywords’] : ”;

    //get title
    if(!empty($a[‘entry’][“media:group”][‘media:title’])) {
    $title = $a[‘entry’][“media:group”][‘media:title’];
    elseif(!empty($a[‘entry’][‘title’])) {
    $title = !empty($a[‘entry’][‘title’][‘value’]) ? $a[‘entry’][‘title’][‘value’] : $a[‘entry’][‘title’];
    //$title = apply_filters(“post_title_save_pre”,utf8_decode($title));

    if(!empty($title)) {
    $a = array(
    ‘post_title’ => $title,
    ‘post_content’ => $s,
    ‘_tern_wp_youtube_author’ => $w[‘author’][‘name’],
    ‘tags_input’ => $t,
    ‘post_date’ => gmdate(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’,strtotime($w[‘published’])),
    ‘post_author’ => $v[‘author’],
    ‘post_category’ => $v[‘categories’]

    $a[‘id’] = WP_ayvpp_insert_post(array_merge($tern_wp_youtube_post_defaults,$a),$i);
    if($a[‘id’]) {
    if($n == ‘*’) {
    WP_ayvpp_update_file(‘<span class=”imported”>’.($x+$c).’. ‘.$title.'</span>’);
    $tern_wp_youtube_videos[] = $i;
    else {
    WP_ayvpp_update_file(‘<span class=”req”><b>Error:</b> adding video “‘.$i.'”</span>’);
    else {
    WP_ayvpp_update_file(‘<span class=”req”><b>Already imported: </b>’.$w[‘title’].'</span>’);



    if($n == ‘*’ and (int)$total <= 1000) {
    return WP_ayvpp_add_import_posts($x+50,$n,$r);

    WP_ayvpp_update_file(‘<h3 id=”tern_wp_ayvpp_complete”>Complete!</h3>’);
    return true;

    function WP_ayvpp_parse_set_error($e) {
    global $getWP,$tern_wp_youtube_options;
    WP_ayvpp_update_file(‘<h2 id=”tern_wp_ayvpp_complete” class=”req”><b>’.$e.'</b></h2>’);

    $o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_options);
    $o[‘is_importing’] = false;
    $o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$o,true);
    function WP_ayvpp_file_contents() {
    global $getFILE;
    return $getFILE->contents(WP_CONTENT_DIR.’/cache/ayvpp.txt’);
    function WP_ayvpp_reset_file() {
    global $getFILE;
    function WP_ayvpp_update_file($c) {
    global $getFILE;
    $d = WP_ayvpp_file_contents();
    $d .= empty($d) ? $c : ‘<->’.$c;
    function WP_ayvpp_check_memory() {

    $max = isset($_GET[‘memory’]) ? (int)$_GET[‘memory’] : 32;

    $l = ini_get(‘memory_limit’);
    $memory = (int)$m[0];
    $limit = (int)$m[0]*1048576;

    if(memory_get_usage() > ($limit-5242880)) {
    $memory += 5;
    if($memory <= $max) {
    $limit = $memory*1048576;
    return true;
    return false;

    return true;
    function WP_ayvpp_insert_post($a,$i) {
    global $wpdb,$tern_wp_youtube_array;
    $tern_wp_youtube_array = array_merge($a,array(‘_tern_wp_youtube_video’=>$i,’_tern_wp_youtube_published’=>$a[‘post_date’]));
    $p = wp_insert_post($a);
    return $p;
    function WP_ayvpp_delete_posts($i) {
    global $getWP,$tern_wp_youtube_options,$tern_wp_youtube_fields;
    $o = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube’,$tern_wp_youtube_options);
    $videos = $getWP->getOption(‘tern_wp_youtube_videos’,array());
    $y = get_post_meta($i,’_tern_wp_youtube_video’,true);
    if($videos[$y]) {
    $videos[$y][‘id’] = false;
    foreach($tern_wp_youtube_fields as $v) {
    function WP_ayvpp_add_meta($i) {
    global $tern_wp_youtube_fields,$tern_wp_youtube_array;
    foreach($tern_wp_youtube_fields as $v) {
    if(!empty($tern_wp_youtube_array[$v]) or !empty($_POST[$v])) {
    $m = empty($tern_wp_youtube_array[$v]) ? $_POST[$v] : $tern_wp_youtube_array[$v];
    $m = get_post_meta($i,’_thumbnail_id’,true);
    if(!wp_is_post_revision($i) and (!$m or empty($m) or (is_string($m) and strlen($m) < 1))) {
    return true;
    function WP_ayvpp_update_meta($i) {
    global $tern_wp_youtube_fields,$tern_wp_youtube_array;

    $i = wp_is_post_revision($i) ? wp_is_post_revision($i) : $i;
    if(!wp_verify_nonce($_POST[‘tern_wp_youtube_nonce’],plugin_basename(__FILE__)) or !$i or !current_user_can(‘edit_post’,$i)) {

    foreach($tern_wp_youtube_fields as $v) {
    if(!empty($tern_wp_youtube_array[$v]) or !empty($_POST[$v])) {
    $m = empty($tern_wp_youtube_array[$v]) ? $_POST[$v] : $tern_wp_youtube_array[$v];
    $m = get_post_meta($i,’_thumbnail_id’,true);
    if((!$m or empty($m) or (is_string($m) and strlen($m) < 1))) {
    return true;
    function WP_ayvpp_parse_videos($v,$t=’channel’,$i=1,$n=20) {
    global $tern_wp_youtube_vids,$tern_wp_youtube_feed;

    $z = $n == ‘*’ ? 50 : $n;

    $tern_wp_youtube_feed = false;
    if($t == ‘channel’) {
    $tern_wp_youtube_feed = ‘;.$v.’/uploads?orderby=published&max-results=’.$z.’&start-index=’.$i;
    elseif($t == ‘playlist’) {
    $tern_wp_youtube_feed = ‘;.$v.’?v=2′;
    if(!$tern_wp_youtube_feed) {
    return false;
    $c = new tern_curl();
    $r = $c->get(array(
    ‘url’ => $tern_wp_youtube_feed,
    ‘options’ => array(
    ‘RETURNTRANSFER’ => true,
    ‘FOLLOWLOCATION’ => true
    ‘headers’ => array(
    ‘Accept-Charset’ => ‘UTF-8’
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<media\:description[^>\/]*>)/”,”$1<![CDATA[“,$r->body);
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<\/media\:description>)/”,”]]>$1″,$r->body);
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<title[^>\/]*>)/”,”$1<![CDATA[“,$r->body);
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<\/title>)/”,”]]>$1″,$r->body);
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<media\:title[^>\/]*>)/”,”$1<![CDATA[“,$r->body);
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<\/media\:title>)/”,”]]>$1″,$r->body);
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<content[^>\/]*>)/”,”$1<![CDATA[“,$r->body);
    $r->body = preg_replace(“/(<\/content>)/”,”]]>$1″,$r->body);

    $x = new ternXML;
    $a = $x->parse($r->body);

    if($a[‘errors’]) {
    if($a[‘errors’][‘error’][‘code’] == ‘too_many_recent_calls’) {
    WP_ayvpp_parse_set_error(‘Google has responded that you have made too many requests for videos.’);

    if(empty($a[‘feed’][‘entry’]) and empty($a[‘feed’][‘entry’][‘value’])) {
    else {
    $a = empty($a[‘feed’][‘entry’][‘value’]) ? $a[‘feed’][‘entry’] : $a[‘feed’][‘entry’][‘value’];

    if($a[‘id’]) {
    $a = array($a);

    $tern_wp_youtube_vids = $a;


    return true;

    /****************************************Terminate Script******************************************/

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