• Hi,

    I’m just downloaded this theme to start working with called Skeleton

    #wrap {
       background: #ff0000;

    the test site: http://firetree.dyndns-server.com/cam/test/wordpress/

    I’m a little new to WP, but love it and want to learn much more about it. My question is, how do I know if it is pulling from the parent or the child theme for what shows on the website? Also, if I wanted to change something basic for example, like the background color which element would you put that under. I did something like this (look above) under the child theme, that didn’t work. This code was put into style.css in the child theme folder. By the way, yes my child theme is the one activated.

    When I inspect it the background option doesn’t even show up in firebug which means it didn’t take my change. Is another class overwriting this or am I really far away from the correctanswer? Any insights?

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  • This style.css in your child returns 404 Not Found

    The requested URL /cam/test/wordpress/wp-content/themes/skeletontheme/skeleton_childtheme/style.css was not found on this server.

    how do I know if it is pulling from the parent or the child theme for what shows on the website?

    for example, use a browser inspection tool to check where the formatting of whatever elements comes from.

    Also, if I wanted to change something basic for example, like the background color which element would you put that under.

    same procedure: use a browser inspection tool to find out which css class or id the element has where you want to change the background.

    Thread Starter camdixon


    This style.css in your child returns 404 Not Found

    Use this link for style.css for my active child theme.

    for example, use a browser inspection tool to check where the formatting of whatever elements comes from.

    I did this, and wrap is the div surrounding the whole page. Maybe it’s my lack of understanding of WP, but If you use the link above to my child style.css, and see the code I added it should change the background right? Where on the tool [FireBug] would I actually see where the property is coming from?

    Thread Starter camdixon


    It says something like this:

    Inherited from body.home

    body {
    font-family:HelveticaNeue, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    } “

    Does this mean that it doesn’t even look at the #body {} portion of my code if it is from body.home? Should I be changing the home class .home{}?

    Your child theme needs to be properly linked to the stylesheet – or none of your styles are going to work.

    Thread Starter camdixon


    How do you do I make sure I do that then? Suggestions / articles / videos?

    Remove space between “skeleton theme” and make it look like “skeletontheme“.

    You might want to read this (Once again!?) : http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

    Thread Starter camdixon


    Yes! You all were right, I just didn’t understand why it wasn’t linking.
    The conclusion I came to is i’m not allowed to install themes with spaces in directory names?

    Thanks so much for your time! I’ll pay it forward on these forums as much as I can.

    @import url("../twentytwelve/style.css");
    This is the part that I understand logically, but don’t see how it applied. Simply removing the space fixed the problem, but since this doesn’t reference the space that I put in, and it uses .. to get to the parent directory, I don’t see why it wouldn’t have linked properly. I’ll take it for what it is though. Thanks again

    Looks like you’re creating child theme directory inside Parent theme.

    You need to create child theme directory in /wp-content/themes/
    Like, /wp-content/themes/skeleton-child/

    Then create a style.css file inside that child them directory and put something like this:

    Theme Name:     Skeleton Child Theme
    Theme URI:      http://example.com/
    Description:    Child theme for the Skeleton theme
    Author:         Your name here
    Author URI:     http://example.com/about/
    Template:       skeleton
    Version:        0.1.0
    @import url("../skeleton/style.css");

    Now go to your site’s Dashboard> Appearance> Themes> Activate your child theme

    That’s all for creating child theme.

    NOTE: That’s an example, you might need to change directory (in child theme’s style.css).

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