• mcjeffs


    Hi, I like this plugin and want to use footnotes on my blog, but the amount of footnotes some posts might have make for something that isn’t too easy on the eye.

    I’m wondering about:

    1. Removing the actual footnotes, leaving just the super-script numbers that show the footnote on mouse over.

    2. Collapsing the footnotes into a “Show Footnotes” link at the bottom of the post, so they are hidden unless a user actually clicks to view them.

    Option 1 I’m guessing I could achieve by editing the PHP file direct and removing the section that prints out the footntoes. That I think I can handle, but any advice on doing that (or can it be done with CSS?) great.

    Option 2 would be better, but it would be beyond my skills to hack that together – unless there is some code anyone can suggest.

    Thanks for any pointers!


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