• Hello I have a Plugin Placement Question. IE Placing a plugin where I want on the page. I recently adapted an image rotator I found on the internet that you can see by clicking here. Rise Webdesign If you look at the page, you’ll notice that the plugin is located right under the sidebar on the rightside of the screen. To achieve this, I registered my function with the get_footer action hook, which runs the function right before the footer.php module is called. What I’d like to do is put my plugin below my navigation bar. which is located on the left side of the screen. So to put it simply. I’d like my plugin to be seen on the leftside of the screen below my Navbar. Is there an action hook that allows me to do thar? or is there an action hook that lets me place the plugin anywhere on the screen? If it helps I’ve included the code Below.

    Plugin Name: Rotate Plugin
    Description: An Attempt To Adapt Dan Beigerman's Rotator For WordPress
    #this file contains the descriptons and alt tags for the rotator.
      $IMG_CONFIG_FILE = 'images.ini';
      # You shouldn't need to change anything below this point
      function showImage( $ini=null ) {
        global $IMG_CONFIG_FILE;
        # if no custom ini file has been specified, use the default
        $ini_file = $ini ? $ini : $IMG_CONFIG_FILE;
        # read the config file into an array or die trying
        $images = @parse_ini_file($ini_file,true);
        if (! $images) {
          die('Unable to read ini file.');
        # pick a random image from the parsed config file
        $img = array_rand($images);
        # get the selected image's css id if one exists
        $id = $images[$img]['id'] ?
          sprintf( ' id="%s" ', $images[$img]['id'] ) :
        # get the selected image's css class if one exists
        $class = $images[$img]['class'] ?
          sprintf( ' class="%s" ', $images[$img]['class'] ) :
        # get selected image's dimensions
        $size = @getimagesize( $images[$img]['src'] );
        # if an url was specified, output the opening A HREF tag
        if ( $images[$img]['url'] ) {
            '<a href="%s" title="%s">',
        # output the IMG tag
          '<img src="%s" alt="%s" %s %s%s/>',
    # if an url was specified, output the closing A HREF tag
        if ( $images[$img]['url'] ) {
      # if a quote is specified, print it!
    if ( $images[$img]['quote'] ) { echo $images[$img]['quote']; }
    add_action('get_header' , 'showImage');

    Thanks So Much!


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