• Resolved Arnoud


    I’m trying to setup nextgen with twentytwelve.
    For some reason this theme doesn’t show nextgen gallery as it should.
    After each </div> a whitespace is intoduced.
    Must be something in CSS, but I can’t figure it out where to look…

    How it looks like:

    What i want:

    Does anyone know where in the CSS I sould look?
    I suspect that it must be in the theme style, as the nextgen gallery looks good in an other theme.

    For the record, the style.css of the twentytwelve theme:

    [Huge chunk of CSS moderated. Please just post a link to your site.]

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Do not edit the Twenty Twelve theme. It is the default WordPress theme and having access to an unedited version of the theme is vital when dealing with a range of site issues. First create a child theme for your changes. Or use a custom CSS plugin.

    Thread Starter Arnoud


    Of course I have made a copy of the entire theme before editing…
    Happens in both the original theme and the copy.

    Thread Starter Arnoud


    I’m certain it is something in style.css
    When I remove that file, gallery text is displayed as I like it.

    Seems like the CSS has gone that I posted here.
    Link is not posible as it is not a public site (yet).

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    Thread Starter Arnoud


    I’ve solved it:

    Make a copy of the file called album-compact.php located here: /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/view
    Make a new folder called nggallery in your theme folder: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/nggallery

    Edit the copied file.
    Change line 30 from:
    <h4><a class="ngg-album-desc" title="<?php echo $gallery->title ?>" href="<?php echo $gallery->pagelink ?>" ><?php echo $gallery->title ?></a></h4>

    <a class="ngg-album-desc" style="font-weight:bold" title="<?php echo $gallery->title ?>" href="<?php echo $gallery->pagelink ?>" ><?php echo $gallery->title ?></a>



    i have the same problem. can you tell me if the changes go in the new folder that you say to create? I’ve tried everything and nothing is working.

    Thread Starter Arnoud


    The copied file with the changes goes into your theme folder: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/nggallery

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