• Currently I am running zap_newwindow.

    Recently I’ve added subdomains to wordpress for pretty links, so the articles can be for example hello.domain.com to go view a post, or test.domain.com etc etc.

    Zap_NewWindow does not support subdomains, and whenever I click a link with a subdomain, it opens up a new window, I’m not sure how to fix it, I’ve tried removing the www too, for exampe:

    $blogdomain = parse_url(get_settings(‘home’));
    $blogdomain2 = strpos($blogdomain[‘host’], ‘.’);
    $blogdomain[‘host’] = substr($blogdomain[‘host’], $blogdomain2 + 1);

    Would kill off the http://www.. then I was hoping for the .search to find it.. But it still does not work! Any suggestions on how subdomains can be noticed by Zap_NewWindow?

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