• Hello all,

    I have spent a few hours searching the web to find a solution on how to be able to post new entries in WordPress from a Unix/Linux command line.

    My problem is simple, I would like to log all work I do on several Unix systems. These systems are Linux based and HPuX based.

    My closest find is these two:

    * mtsendpy (http://scott.yang.id.au/2002/12/mtsendpy/) which seems rather old
    * pyblogger (for which I can’t find too many references other than this http://pyblogger.wordpress.com/)

    What does other people use for a tool? In principle I would like to be able to do the following, using some kind of a wrapper, let us call it blogit.bash:

    bash$ blogit.bash -u my_user -h current_system -m "message to post on the blog" -s "subject" -t "tag,list"

    Well, this would tag the post with either the current system or any of the tags in the tag list. Hence, I would have a fairly IT-governance compliant weblog on all work done on our systems, just by typing in a simple command on the command line.

    I hope there is somebody out there who could point me in the right direction. Of course I would be happy if there is a solution that does not force me to install “too many” non standard packages, as I live in a quite regulated environment.

    Have a nice evening!

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  • mtsend looks very promising; I’d at least give it a try, despite its aparent age. There are some fresh comments there, and even one regarding its use on Drupal. But the author doesn’t appear to be responding to a shared issue among two people. I’d contact Scott directly and ask him if he’s heard of anyone successfully using it with the current version of WP.

    wow I would love to have a solution for this also.

    If you’re into Ruby scripts, I’ve got a little snippet that will do it or get you close. Mine updates instead of posting new but thats just a small matter of coding.

    Thank you but I do not know ruby. Thanks. I know some php.

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