• Resolved denw2017



    After installing the latest version of CF ( I experienced problems with SiteOrigins PageBuilder, more specifically the Widget Bundle and every other plugin using this. Disabling either Widget Bundle or CF restores functionality to normal. However, while CF is enabled a lot of WordPress functions are not working as they should.
    When editing a page for instance, page layout is not as it should. It is not possible to see the options of other plugins.

    Version worked perfectly with Widget Bundle \ PageBuilder. However i can not find a zip-file to revert to this version.

    Please resolve this issue asap. Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author Josh Pollock



    Thanks for using Caldera Forms. I’d love to help, but with out specifics of what errors are happening, it’s impossible for us to understand what could be happening with this plugin.

    Can you please open a bug report on Github with all of the information requested in the issue template?

    If you can answer those questions we will have everything we need to understand your bug and you can track our progress working on it.


    Thread Starter denw2017


    Thanks for your reply!

    I’ve opened a Bug Report as requested:

    Can you please give me access to version (with which I experienced zero problems) for troubleshooting purposes (and it may get my site up and running as well)?

    Also, please do not mark this as resolved until it is. This entry may also help others experiencing similar problems.

    Thank you,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by denw2017.
    Plugin Author Josh Pollock


    >Can you please give me access to version (with which I experienced zero problems) for troubleshooting purposes (and it may get my site up and running as well)?

    You can download older versions here:

    The best way downgrade is using the plugin WP Rollback. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-rollback/

    >Also, please do not mark this as resolved until it is. This entry may also help others experiencing similar problems.
    I mark everything resolved once I reply to it. It is a good way of seeing that is has gotten a reply. Since I’m only here 1 or 2 times a week (we respond to all support requests within 24 hours if they come through our site) it’s a good way of keeping things organized.

    Thread Starter denw2017


    Hi Josh,

    Thanks for your reply.

    After downloading and installing v1.5.0.8 all is well again with my site. I have yet to test what happens when I upgrade to again. I will update the Github issue with my findings.

    WP Rollback only appears to work if you installed the previous version with WP Rollback running. I get an error when trying to install a version of any plugin that was not previously installed on my site.

    Wrt the marking Resolved: i understand it is a good way to keep things organised, and that is what the status is for. However, it is meant to keep an overview of what current problems are, and for me as a customer whether the issue is resolved or not. Using this to keep track of whether you have replied or not is not its intended use and imho sends a completely wrong message to me as a user\customer. You should use another field\option\method for keeping track of replies. I.M.O.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by denw2017.
    Plugin Author Josh Pollock


    >Wrt the marking Resolved: i understand it is a good way to keep things organised, and that is what the status is for. However, it is meant to keep an overview of what current problems are, and for me as a customer whether the issue is resolved or not. Using this to keep track of whether you have replied or not is not its intended use and imho sends a completely wrong message to me as a user\customer. You should use another field\option\method for keeping track of replies. I.M.O.

    I disagree. In fact I think you’re showing that it works well. If you remove the marked reply then it gets my attention next time I am here.

    I do think that these forums are a terrible way to handle support, but there is no way to turn them off. We handle our normal support, where we provide 24 hour turn around and follow ups via Helpscout, and it’s a much more effective tool.

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