• My website has got url
    It is about a school called : 1 epal neas ionias magnesias
    When I go to google search and i type the name of the school the school site appears only on the right side of the page with the results in a frame containing google maps. It does not appear on the list of results on the left side of the page at all in all 11 pages of results.
    What can i do to see it on both sides? Maybe i asked not to be visible on search machines when i was installing wordpress. How can i fix it? When I go to settings of my wordpress site and ask to make it visible on search machines and save my settings nothing changes.
    When i change my options about search machines is it done immediately or does it take time?

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  • Hi!

    I tried to access your site right now and it returns a 502 error:

    Proxy Error
    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.

    Reason: Error reading from remote server

    If you aren’t able to reproduce this error, try to access your site through an open proxy https://hide.me/.

    Answering your question, if you asked to WP not to be visible on search machines and now change it, it will take some time to happen.

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