• Resolved garri83


    Подскажите как вывести количество дней, например: сайт работает Х дней? Дату в посте указываю через “Date (дата)”.

    use Carbon_Fields\Container;
    use Carbon_Fields\Field;
    Container::make('post_meta', 'Свойства')
    		Field::make("date", "crb_my_date", "Дата")

    Выводить надо в одиночной записи и в категории. В wp есть функция human_time_diff():

    $human_time = human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U', true ) );
    echo "Сайт работает $human_time дней.";

    но как сделать не знаю 8(

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  • Plugin Contributor Atanas Angelov


    Hello @garri83,

    Unfortunately, we only provide support in English – could you please post your message again in English?

    Thread Starter garri83


    I have created a field like this: Field :: make ('date', 'crb_start_site', 'Site start date')

    This is how to display this field in the front-end in an arihive and in a single post in the form “Site work X days”?

    Plugin Contributor Atanas Angelov


    You can get the field value using this function:
    $date = carbon_get_the_post_meta( 'crb_start_site );

    Then you need to convert it using a library such as nesbot/carbon (http://carbon.nesbot.com/docs/#api-difference)

    Thread Starter garri83


    Thanks for the answer. I do not know much about PHP, and it’s hard for me to convert the date using the library without instructions. 8 (

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